Israel/Gaza: Ignore The Ugly Details. Focus on the Bigger Picture

Posted by Dobrien 10 months, 3 weeks ago to History
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Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu is a case in point here. If you think the guy responsible for one of the most aggressive ‘vaccine’ programmes in the world gives a smidgen of a damn about Jewish lives or Israeli lives then I’ve got a big canal across the Suez to sell you. If you’re still stuck in the ‘cock-up not conspiracy’ mindset, if you’re still persuaded that for all his faults ‘Bibi’ (or any other politician anywhere) is your guy, then you’re never going to progress to the next level of understanding, which is…

…that the Hamas incursion was an inside job. It is not essential to understand that Hamas was funded and created by Israeli intelligence, though obviously it helps. All you need to know is really basic stuff, stuff that everyone knows without needing to be say Defence Correspondent of the Daily Telegraph or Head of MI6 or Jerusalem bureau chief of the CIA, stuff like the fact that Israel has arguably the best intelligence services in the world, the best trained military in the world, the best technology in the world and the most closely protected borders in the world.

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