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  • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 2 months ago
    at this point, does not matter what these traitors in DC do

    just about all of them are part of the conspiracy to ruin this nation, all they own should be confiscated to pay the debt they created for the rest of us
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    • Posted by 1 year, 2 months ago
      I don't regard Gaetz, Rosendale, and six other Reps who ousted McCarthy as traitors.

      I understand Rosendale prays everyday for direction/inspiration for continuing his fight for constitutional government, and, while I'm atheist, I respect a person who constantly seeks personal strength to carry on their fight against almost insurmountable odds.

      Every American citizen should remember that they live or die by the success of our historical, ongoing fight against tyranny enshrined in our Constitution. These eight are among the very last uncompromising patriots at the forefront of that fight and they have my absolute allegiance.

      Indeed there is no practical difference between the come-along, get-along RINOs, willing to compromise principle in order to continue the slide into a police state, and Dems committed to the destruction of the Constitution--and I refer specifically to McCarthy, McConnell, Ryan, and Boener.

      As I recall, Rosendale was among three or four other House Republicans who voted against making "June 16th" a national holiday ballyhooed by BLM as the real "Independence Day." How courageous was that? Courage, commitment, honor--I salute those values--and that is where I am at!
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