What Bush is responsible for is the CIA global drug trafficking expansion that the entire world suffers under today

Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 5 months ago to History
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Zapata Offshore only had a few drilling rigs, but it set up operations in the Gulf of Mexico, the Persian Gulf, Trinidad, Borneo and Medellin, Columbia. A global operation in “very specific locations.” Guess what all of those locations have in common? Does Medellin, Columbia ring any bells? The Medellin cartel? How about Pablo Escobar? Literally every one of these locations would become a center for global drug trafficking, and Bush was the one behind it all. Remember, Bush took complete control of Zapata Offshore in 1959 and was setting up these locations for his business in the 1960’s. Gulf of Mexico (Mexican cartels) Persian Gulf (Mujahideen/Hezbollah) Trinidad (Venezuela/Hugo Chavez) Borneo (Vietnam/Cambodia/Laos) Medellin, Columbia (Medellin cartel) His perfect cover. Bush kept saying he wasn’t a member of the CIA at the time and that he was just in the oil business. Admit nothing and deny everything. What Bush is responsible for is the CIA global drug trafficking expansion that the entire world suffers under today. Drugs have helped fund every terrorist group and proxy war that the CIA has controlled going back to the Vietnam war.
SOURCE URL: https://badlands.substack.com/p/clowns-in-america

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