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  • Posted by TheRealBill 1 year, 3 months ago
    I think it is part of the bloat catching up to them just a little bit. Put this together with the expansion of (armed) IRS agents supposedly to go collect missing money from a handful of Americans. I suspect these are the tip of the iceberg.

    All of government planning and budgeting is based on a believe in overgrowth - and as those paying attention know, that isn't happening. I suspect these events point to officials knowing they are in deep and trying to avoid it coming to full light. Most people have no clue how deep that dependence runs.
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  • Posted by $ 1 year, 3 months ago
    And already the Senate has a Bill proposed to rescind what SS thinks is fair. I read one of a lady's letter said they'd overpaid her $60K and they wanted it back immediately. I'd tell them to spit in one hand and do something more obscene in the other hand and see which one fills up first. Where does someone on SS get that kind of cash just laying around?
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    • Posted by TheRealBill 1 year, 3 months ago
      Curious that given the current administration's clear hunger for executive overreach, particularly around "enforcement discretion" that - in an election season - they aren't coming out against this action and issuing yet another EO giving "amnesty" for these people.

      I do believe from an initial standing that they'd at least have that authority legally. This is pure government failure and government created "debt" so this isn't the same as the student loan fiasco with involves third (and fourth) parties.

      Politically it would be a smart move to stop it, and failing to do so is giving your opponent ammunition. For example, Trump could come out and say that he'd wipe it out when he takes office - turn it into a campaign issue. This paints Biden into a bit of a corner because he has to either oppose it or look like he is just doing what Trump says - ie. no leading.

      Which hints strongly at the notion of that campaign staff being fairly incompetent. Unless there is something I'm unaware of (entirely possible) that would prevent the POTUS from doing that, this would be an easy win for them.

      Hell, even if it is legally grey, who would oppose it enough to get it to the courts?
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