Value Investing

Posted by Grendol 11 years, 4 months ago to Books
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Has anyone here read Benjamin Graham's works "The Intelligent Investor' and 'Security Analysis' and tried to personally implement them? I have read 'The Intelligent Investor' and am partway through 'Security Analysis'. It has changed my IRA/401K focus to finding funds that focus on value instead of speculative market hype (mis-labelled as growth, realizing that true growth is value as well). What are your thoughts and experiences?

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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 11 years, 4 months ago
    I haven't. I do like Charles Pain's attitude of 'if you shop there, but stock and own where you shop'. That would be value.

    I think most people don't understand that stock is an ownership share in that company.
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    • Posted by 11 years, 2 months ago
      As for owning stock where you shop, that makes sense in alot of ways because if a business gets your business, it is generally because they are operating successfully.

      For your second comment, I agree, I have run across many who simply do not understand, have not done their homework, and refuse reality on this issue. I like to point out to utopian collectivists who diatribe about corporations that a commune and a corporation are simply a group of owners teaming together to pool resources for a common profit in an entrepreneurial venture and point to grain mills, early ships, caravans and the like where the investment is simply too much for an individual but a team of like minded people working and sharing the business risk make it possible.
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