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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 2 months ago
    I did this in a jury. We were instructed that we could not assume the thought process of the accused. When we got to deliberations I said “BullShit I believe I know what was going through his head and I won’t condemn the man on the count that pertains to it.” At which point I informed my fellow jury members that I had no problem with a hung jury and would wait them all out as long as it took. They would never get a unanimous vote to convict on that charge. I ended up winning and at least one man didn’t have his life ruined by spending 20 years in prison.
    It’s also helpful if you really want to get out of jury duty to let the prosecution know that you’re aware of nullification and not afraid to use it. But honestly we need THINKING people on juries.Otherwise the jury of your peers is something less than your peers.
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