The Costs and Casualties Of Government's Information Total War

Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 4 months ago to Government
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Too long and well written to bust up into Cut n Paste chunks. Go read it in it’s original format. The author takes account of the damage wrought by government propaganda the last few years. And presents “receipts”. An absolute MUST READ!

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 1 year, 4 months ago
    I am amazed at the people I personally know who are running out to get another COVID vax! Some of them even got Covid after the last round of vaccine was administered to them. Can't they read. Don't they understand? Sad.
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  • Posted by $ 1 year, 4 months ago
    Key Paragraph:

    This information total war has been largely successful. Regime critics have been swiftly censored, defamed, and marginalized. The result is that most of the population continues to believe that the criticisms of government policies and actions over the past several years were levied by a bunch of cranks whose objections were largely based on gut level assumptions, political affiliation, or knee-jerk reactions. That many of those criticisms and warnings ended up being accurate is attributed to dumb luck. Thus, the public has little sympathy for the targets of government censorship, precisely because of the success of the censorship, and its complement, the propaganda generated to fill the vacuum left by the disappearance of truth. However, the public itself is harmed in myriad ways by this censorship, and not in any abstract fashion.

    I would add that the characterization of government assuming the role of a marketing department for private corporations is spot on.
    And not just in the pharmaceutical markets. Look at any piece of propaganda being rammed down our throats and drill down through it….you’ll find a corporation greedily vacuuming up the grift. The Ukraine War is a perfect example. The “Human Caused” Climate change psyience claims. A corporation always benefits. The taxpayer is paying for this corporate marketing campaign. Instead of objective truth we get PR. Don’t mistake this as some kind of call for communism. It is not. It is pointing out the collusion of corporations and government which we all know was given a name in Italy during the 1930s.
    How tragically ironic that the clowns who claim to be ANTIFAcist are the very same clowns propping this form of governance up. So complete and effective the “government” indoctrination camps have been.
    Our speech may be free…..but our minds are certainly not.

    It’s why there are times I believe the proper course of action would be too agree and amplify the Collectivists claims for no other reason than to turn the monster against it’s creator. We all know that despite all the political pandering the Elite Looter class will NEVER allow their wealth to be redistributed equally. Nancy Pelosi will NEVER agree to house homeless in one of her homes. Barack Obama will NEVER allow “asylum seekers” to camp out on his Martha’s Vineyard lawn. Let’s call their bluff. So the brainwashed sheep can see the true ideological leanings of those they pledge loyalty too. It’s a political Judo move. And if someone figures out how to execute it they’ll do more damage than any amount of “voting harder” will ever do.
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    • Posted by $ 1 year, 4 months ago
      Example: if the amount spent on the Ukraine conflict were channeled into “reparations” every single black person living in the US would receive $2,500. In the big scheme of things that’s a pointless amount. But it would resonate. The DEMS play fast and lose with the fake money. We’re on the road to economic collapse any way. Might as well step on the accelerator and grab the wheel. If it ends in a broke third world existence it may as well be OUR vision of a broke third world existence.
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