How to destroy America
Posted by j_IR1776wg 1 year, 5 months ago to Philosophy
A 2004 speech by Colorado Governor Richard Lamm. Two minutes. He details his 7 part plan for our destruction. How closely have the last 4 administrations and Congress and the judicial followed his plan?
elect democrats and RINOs
a) control the appointment of federal candidates to those who can be blackmailed and controlled
b) control the counting of votes in all elections for federal positions
The people have no choice whatsoever.
Elections are nothing but false hope to prevent revolution.
When gun controls are completed there will be no need for this brainwashing rubbish.
When gun controls are completed there will be no need for this brainwashing rubbish. "
True. But to believe that a bloody revolution can never again occur on Earth is short-sighted.
Resistance might prevent decades or centuries of darkness and slavery.
Voting will not.
"It turns out that compulsory education, a feat accomplished during the Progressive Era, was also a compulsory indoctrination into Progressive thought and twentieth-century Protestantism. Arthur Calhoun stated in 1919, “The fondest wish of Utopian writers was coming true, the child was passing from its family into the custody of community experts.” The power to shape children’s futures was taken from their parents and put into the hands of the government.
Starting in this era, as John Swett, the founder of public education in California, stated, schoolchildren belonged not “to the parents, but to the State, to society, to the country.."
Theodore and Woodrow Andrew Napilitano
Its been downhill ever since. They believe they own your kids.