Ten ‘Crimes’ Dems Were Not Charged With, Then Charged Enemies With. Corrupt Looting Scum. NIFO

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 1 month ago to Politics
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The layers of brazen irony involved in not only accusing one’s political rivals of the very offenses for which they, themselves, are guilty—but then accusing their critics of deflection for attempting to call attention to the underlying issue—go part and parcel with the Democrats’ No. 1 political strategy for neutralizing Trump: the “Big Lie.”

Their Hitler-inspired gaslighting psy-op happens to be a particular favorite of Raskin, who has routinely accused Republicans of conducting their own “Big Lie” campaign for pursuing election integrity and other constitutional norms.

But the Left’s web of deception aside, conservatives have every right to own and embrace whataboutism since legal precedent is central to many of the defenses that Trump is now tasked with putting forward, both in the court of law and public opinion.

Indeed, in some of special counsel Jack Smith’s more experimental and theoretical lawfare attacks, Democrats’ past impunity may be the only thing to go on.

Without further ado, here are 10 shining examples of the unethical—and arguably illegal—misconduct that Democrats shamelessly and hypocritically have turned a blind eye toward when politically inconvenient, only to weaponize at their leisure.

The list below is by no means comprehensive, of course. And it certainly does not reflect all the things Democrats have done that they falsely accused their Republican counterparts of doing.

I have limited it only to those in which they have, in the face of credible evidence, avoided any serious legal consequences, only to turn around and try to prosecute their enemies on a far shakier foundation."
These looting scum do not represent Americans, and they have broken their vows to the constitution repeatedly.
They are TRAITORS and should be tried and EXECUTED.
SOURCE URL: https://headlineusa.com/sellers-10-crimes-dems-charged-enemies/

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