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  • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 7 months ago
    The FBI knowingly and purposely used CS gas and military vehicles to
    BURN to DEATH 76 innocent people in Waco, TX in April 1993 and
    Shut down the murdering, treasonous FBI and execute the
    people responsible for treason and murder.

    Bill O'Reilly almost got something right for the first time in 30 years.
    Too bad O'Reilly, the neocon war-monger, equates Putin with the
    actions that the US government has been guilty of for more than 30 years.
    In comparison, Putin is a patriot and a Russian hero.
    Then the scumbag Deep State turd tries to paint the Proud Boys
    as a "far right" group and blame them for "causing trouble" on Jan 6,
    when the facts are that the Deep State created the trouble and
    invited the innocents into the Capitol and later prosecuted them.
    $%^& O'Reilly. He's a Deep State tool with a forked tongue who still
    delivers anti-freedom propaganda while pretending to be "horrified".
    The feds will NEVER investigate and punish their own.
    The STATES must do so, and use their own unbiased courts to bring charges against the traitors.
    If the STATES do not do so, then the military must do so because their
    FIRST LOYALTY and RESPONSIBILITY is to the constitution,
    not to corrupt civilian politicians.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 1 year, 7 months ago
    I don’t know about you peeps, but I hate watching video. I just way to read, clear concise, supported information.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 7 months ago
      I agree. Video is often a big waste of time, especially any video with no ability to fast forward.
      Too frequently, it's a marketing gimmick to force you to be time-invested in the video,
      similar to how a car dealership tries to wear you down.
      When I see one like that I hit stop and close the video, thinking that it was a scam.
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  • Posted by bobsprinkle 1 year, 7 months ago
    Putin is a patriot and a Russian hero. Do you mean Russian citizens think this? As an American, I do NOT think that.
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 7 months ago
      As someone who knows Russians. Their feelings are a little mixed. The younger generation, who listen to CNN, believe he is an unreasonable Thug and a murderous, censorious traitor.
      The older more conservatives recognized that the facts in Ukraine were that after 2 regions voted over 90% to secede, Russia said nope. And then the AZOV Battalion started SHELLING those regions... Increasingly... Until the invasion...
      And they believe Putin is their Trump.

      Hated by many. The core difference. Putin and his type (see Peter Zeihan) all came from the same KGB group, so the deep state in Russia, overall, is on his side.

      Currently, there have been 7 Ukrainian casualties for every 1 Russian casualty. And Russia is the country NOT torturing their POWs, where as Ukraine brags that they will gladly violate international law in that regard.

      But the MAJORITY of Russians back Putin. And we stupidly think our sanctions will affect the people to make political change. The risk is that if Putin died, the next guy... May be a bit MORE of a war monger, and might want to prove how strong Russia is.

      Please go make a list of every Hospital, Power Plant, and Water Processing Facility Russia has NOT destroyed. Then ask why? If Put is evil (like me), those SHOULD BE the very first targets. Turn off their Power, Water, Hospitals. And sit back and wait for nature to run its course.

      It's a relatively small.. Finite number of EASY targets (GPS located, and Hypersonic Missiles can do a lot)
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    • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 7 months ago
      "In comparison" to the actions of the Deep State neocons in carrying on unnecessary wars
      on innocent people for decades, overthrowing legitimately elected governments, and
      pretending to be defending freedom, the actions of Putin are actually in defense of Russian
      people and their sovereignty, and resisting NATO support for oppression of Russians.
      If the CCP put labs developing biological weapons in Mexico on the border with CA,
      the neocons would invade in a second and kill hundreds of thousands of Mexicans
      without a second thought. That is exactly what the US was doing in Ukraine after
      overthrowing the legitimately elected government, and bribing and threatening
      Ukrainian officials not to investigate corruption that was paying off for American
      politicians and corrupt businesses.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 1 year, 7 months ago
    The This is what, as KGB agent Yuri Benmenov meant when he said Russia would never have to send a weapon against the US, the shcool system was rigged to destroy our country at least 39 years ago. We have a liars and morons in the top positions of pwoer, we have FBI agents high up who break more laws than the tresspassers on Jan. 6 ever did. They cover for each other, then DOJ swoops in and finishes theri frame ups and lies. Taking down any who work to expose them. O'Reilly is merely quoting the titla of a book written several years ago, and it was true then. Just as it was true Obmama attended the Saul Alinsky training Inst. for how to tears down te government and replace it with Marxism. When I long ago emailed him about it, he refused to mention it, until AFTER he had been elected. He claimed to have no access to Hilalry's 92 page theis glorifying Alinsky and Marxism, and I offered to sent him a copy, he did not reply! He was feathering his own nest. Thus, Obama out-Alinskyed Hillary, and he won, but they are the same bird.
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