Take Out the Mother Ship, by Robert Gore

Posted by straightlinelogic 1 year, 3 months ago to Philosophy
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Earth’s defenders may recognize that the extraterrestrials are employing a swarm strategy—on steroids—similar to drone swarms that are transforming earth warfare. What’s not recognized is that an intellectual swarm strategy has been used for over a century with the same goal as the extraterrestrials: to conquer the earth. Earth’s intellectual defenders have been as effective as a man armed with a flyswatter would be in a house infested with flies.

There is an intellectual mother ship that defenders of the earth can attack, although few do so. That mother ship is the premise that collectives have rights that eliminate the rights of individuals and as the embodiment of the collective, a government may take by force and fraud the income and wealth of those who produce them. From that mother ship has issued countless daughter ships that quickly exhaust anyone who takes up the fight against them. Those efforts are doomed; the only effective strategy is to take out the intellectual mother ship.

This is an excerpt. For the complete article, please click the above link.
SOURCE URL: https://straightlinelogic.com/2023/09/06/take-out-the-mother-ship-by-robert-gore/#more-133997

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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 1 year, 3 months ago
    Our main problem is that Ellsworth Toughey is in charge of the mother ship. Rand clearly identified human nature thusly;

    "...If you learn how to rule one single man’s soul, you can get the rest of mankind. It’s the soul, Peter, the soul. Not whips or swords or fire or guns. That’s why the Caesars, the Attilas, the Napoleons were fools and did not last. We will. The soul, Peter, is that which can’t be ruled. It must be broken. Drive a wedge in, get your fingers on it – and the man is yours. You won’t need a whip – he’ll bring it to you and ask to be whipped..."

    The pool of those willing to revolt in the name of individual rights and private property is small and shrinking. They have been crushed by the teachers of the non-absolutes, the kindas, the maybes, 1 + 1 may or may not equal 2.

    Your strategy to take out the mother ship is correct. Your tactics are missing - your blueprints blank.
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    • Posted by LarryHeart 1 year, 3 months ago
      See the blueprint here: www.TheSocietyProject.org
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      • Posted by j_IR1776wg 1 year, 3 months ago
        Excellent on first read especially

        "No Utopian pipe dream
        Let’s face reality. Until such time as mankind perfects itself, there can be no perfect Society and no perfect government. As long as egos are not mature, the motivations of Fear, Greed and the desire for power dominate..." which screams out for severe limits on the power of the people employed by government, elected or hired, to control our daily lives as if we are cattle and they are ranchers.

        The problem is that the evil ones have a strategy and the tactics to implement the strategy. This two-minute video lays out their plan to destroy America. While we talk, they implement. https://duckduckgo.com/?hps=1&q=richa...
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 3 months ago
      Was there implied irony is speaking to "Peter" about capturing souls? Or is that just me?
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      • Posted by j_IR1776wg 1 year, 3 months ago
        Maybe. Ayn Rand had a love/hate view of Jesus. https://baptistnews.com/article/ayn-r...

        In a letter to Sylvia Austin written in 1946, she wrote "Jesus was one of the first great teachers to proclaim the basic principle of individualism — the inviolate sanctity of man’s soul, and the salvation of one’s soul as one’s first concern and highest goal; this means — one’s ego and the integrity of one’s ego."

        Irony? Not sure.
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        • Posted by j_IR1776wg 1 year, 3 months ago
          Also in Toughey's speech (Fountainhead), she writes:

          "Man’s first frown is the first touch of God on his forehead. The touch of thought. But we’ll have neither God nor thought. Only voting by smiles. Automatic levers – all saying yes..."

          She wrote this in the 1940s while she and Isabel Paterson, who believed in God, were still friends.
          mshupe has been posting tranches of Paterson's book The God of the Machine on this site.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 1 year, 3 months ago
    Robert, I enjoyed reading that and a few thoughts went through my noggin as I did.

    1. I left Commiefornia for a state with no income tax. Upon arriving here it became very clear to me that the the people are wealthier here, in general (certainly as a result of the tax structure and much smaller government).
    2. I'd like to point out all the gross, somewhat satanic contradictions of our leadership and even started to write a book about it. But, when I realized how bad they're treating those who shed light on this mess I thought about my kids and said, "f&%k it" and shelved my book. It felt like I was writing an in-depth engineering analysis of how the Hindenburg could be blown up and collapse on American soil, just before it happened.
    3. A while back I read "Enjoy the Decline" and have decided to revisit it. It's a different take than what I had. Clarey includes a plan to help the reader actually consume all the free government giveaways that are intended to buy votes and soften brains, break up families, etc. The premise there is that we're screwed anyway and the nation is going to collapse.
    4. I think the nation IS going to collapse. It probably won't be overnight, unless Poopypants goads Russia into launching nukes (which is a real possibility...which we probably deserve since we're so goddammed stupid) but a gradual, now increasingly quicker decline into bedlam, violence, government-induced molestation of the children, etc.
    5. As one of the commenters stated after your article - We'd love to read a nuts-and-bolts plan to be used to attack the mother ship. And, I realized writing that comes with high risks in these times. The mother ship is watching at this point.

    It's been a few years since we spoke. But, I cherish that we got to. I hope all is well with you and your family.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 3 months ago

      Thanks for the comment. Things are fine with me and the family and I hope they are with you and yours. I'm at the editing stage of my next novel, The Gray Radiance. I'll send you a copy when its ready, which should be by the end of the year. I actually proposed what I thought was a sound blueprint for revolution, and legal, too, some years back. It's on SLL, "Revolution in America," and can be accessed through the search function. Take care; it's a dangerous world out there.
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  • Posted by mshupe 1 year, 3 months ago
    Great analysis, and I think that to attack the mother ship successfully, those with the courage to do so must remove every arbitrary idea from their brain and replace them with two rational ideas backed up by understanding and action. In other words, ditch every inclination toward altruism, religion, and government regulation that does not protect rights and replace them with independence, integrity, moral justice, and pride. Also, as BobCat says, evil is impotent without the sanction of its victims.
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  • Posted by $ BobCat 1 year, 3 months ago
    Two options, go for the mother ship or wait for it to collapse on its own.
    The first calls for immediate actions by determined individuals, while the second requires no action by the enslaved.
    I guess it depends on how many sheep currently exist.
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 3 months ago
      Third Option. The US Government produced a document on how to cripple a country. Show up. Demand investigations, slow things down. Push back by requiring more people get involved in every decision.
      It's the inverse of the broken window scenario.
      Just like the left is doing with $990 and below being a misdemeanor... It gums up the work.

      Now a bill for a $18,000 fine if you try to STOP or HARASS a shoplifter. LOL
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 3 months ago
    While reading this a thought struck me. It’s not about Trump. It actually never was. He’s just the embodiment of a movement. If Trump is not allowed to be on the ballot what would a full scale boycott of the electoral process look like? Northern Ireland Irish Republican style. It would still be a kind of “vote” a vote of NO CONFIDENCE in the institutions of this corrupt system.
    As I see it one of two things are likely to happen. One way or another Donald J Trump is NOT going to be allowed to assume the presidency again. The exact circumstances by which this plays out I do not know. But I’m willing to bet the farm that the swamp will not allow him to drain it. The other thing is Trump gets back in and doesn’t “Drain the Swamp” a second time. As I’ve said….Day Two of a Trump presidency begins with General Milley in chains or nothing will change. I’m guessing that’s as likely an outcome as chartreuse pigs flying out of my ass tonight. So what are we to glean from either of these scenarios? Voting DOESN’T matter anymore. Indeed I’m not sure it ever mattered in my lifetime. This whole thing has hit critical mass. We cannot continue to act in the usual ways and expect a different outcome. I will vote one last time for Donald J Trump if given the opportunity. But if that option is not available the next most effective action in my opinion is electoral silence. They’re going to steal it anyway. There will always be another box of 3am mule delivered ballots under the table. It’s time to accept the reality facing us.
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