Posted by LITTLERED1977 10 years, 4 months ago to Philosophy
"Ultimately, the only power which man should aspire is that which he exercises over himself." - Elie Wiesel. Found this on the Jewish World Report. Thought it fit in with the Gultch.
I would like to see that statement simply standing alone on a billboard in Washington, D. C.
Would the IRS look for the perceived offender? A bullying audit would be called for in their warped world view.
"We'll show little you an exercise of power!"
I believe that you are right. I am over-sensitized by now from the constant accusations against, capitalism, capitalists, business people etc. I see in many instances claims that owning more is unfair to those who own less. I earned every penny that I ever owned and if someone wishes to own as much or more, they have to earn it also.
In the last analysis, I am quibbling about the terms "having power over". The "rich" are described as "powerful" frequently. Of course, money gives one power to do or buy things. The envy easily slides into perception that one is subjected to the power of another. The omnipresent corruption of the government does not help at all.