Marksmanship Fun

Posted by $ Abaco 1 year, 8 months ago to Entertainment
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When I was a kid I could really shoot. I'd do things like drop a rabbit at 75 yards with a pellet gun with open sights. I had 20/15 vision back then. Now that I'm older I can hardly read anything close enough to be held in my hands. So I wondered how my marksmanship would be. Given beef prices and all this talk of cow farts I decided a while back to get a good hunting rifle. And I've always had an interest in long-range shooting - looks like a really fun hobby! I used to watch those guys at a range back in California and it was pretty cool. A couple days ago my friend who's an Army vet and avid hunter jointed me on a drive deep up into the high desert with our rifles. I ended up hitting targets out to 500 yards. It was really a fun time. The wild mustangs were all around us too, enjoying our company. We were commenting how we really couldn't have done this back in California. So glad I left. My buddy said I'm ready to hunt if I want to. The other option is to partner with a local grass-fed beef ranchers to acquire good, independent protein.

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  • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 8 months ago
    wife and i went to the range on Sunday

    his and hers Ruger 9mm carbines, zeroed the red dots on them to 50 yards, i will take those off and put them into EMP bags and put the 4X scopes back on after next weekend and more work

    my FN FNAR in 308 will be zeroed to 100, then 200

    my 1943 Garand has a 2-7 scout scope, tested a red dot on it, worked fine
    2 of my other 3 Garands also have scout scopes

    i'll be spending the next couple of weeks making ammo. 9mm, 30 carbine, 45-70 stuff easy to make with no power as i expect there will be a major issue soon....

    i do not hunt, family never did, i did not grow up doing so. i support people that do hunt for food.
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