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  • Posted by Ben_C 1 year, 3 months ago
    I live in Michigan. The problem for Bitchemer and the legislature is that EV's don't pay fuel tax. Opps. So, to fund the constant "Fix the Damn Roads" agenda she has to figure out how to raise road money. But wait, in this day of equity gas driven cars must also pay for miles driven to fair. Never mind the gas sales tax. Of course, if one buys an EV then then no more gas sales tax and climate change will be an event of the past. What a cluster f**k..
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  • Posted by chad 1 year, 3 months ago
    The fact that they can debate the right to drive indicates the governors have assumed they have the right to dictate, the only question they have is by how much, that is what is being debated.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 3 months ago
    First of all, there is no right to drive. But a distance tax does make sense in a certain aspect: road wear. Theoretically, the gas taxes added to fuel sales are to cover that since it is impractical - and highly invasive - to monitor every vehicle's mileage. But as has been pointed out myriad times before, EV's don't pay any taxes to use the roads. The other part is that IF one was to do a distance tax, one would also have to factor in the weight of the vehicle per tire to properly compensate for road wear. Thus EV's would end up getting taxed more per mile than an ICE vehicle because of their added weight.
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