Thanks To The Miracle Of The COVID Vacine, Our Really Real Doctor Jill Biden Has Tested Positive For ONLY A Second Time!
And what can be more wonderful than that? Be advised that all of Fake News instructs all to always refer to our glorious First Lady as "Doctor First Lady" on pain of being cancelled all the way to a placement on the FBI's domestic terrorist watch list. For you to be afraid. Very afraid.
Now you are instructed to click the link to read how our ingenious Dr. First Lady (aka our top lady's fashion icon, a leeching White House resident senior citizen's expert health care provider and America's most prestigious crime family contessa) conducted her very own diagnostic medical assessment to uncover another little oops for our most spectacular Big Pharma miracle cure.
Now you are instructed to click the link to read how our ingenious Dr. First Lady (aka our top lady's fashion icon, a leeching White House resident senior citizen's expert health care provider and America's most prestigious crime family contessa) conducted her very own diagnostic medical assessment to uncover another little oops for our most spectacular Big Pharma miracle cure.
How smart is a virus that knows to crop up every presidential election year?
This is all a result of the death of science in America. Replaced with what I call “sciencetism”.
As for that being a that, such Schiff could well be well be an attempt to instill fear and to make people more susceptible to locking down and turning to drop boxes and mail-in ballots just in time for another fraudulent election.
Would (hey, ya better call her) DOCTOR First Lady the crime contessa of the Biden Family influence peddling shake-down rackets really be a party to that?
Is Michelle a tranny married to a Marxist? Are the Clintons into Arkancide?
Elder abuse had already netted DOCTOR Jill four years of vacationing with her dimwit when not living in the oh so prestigious White House.
Why not with a family of scammers go along with yet another scam to steal four more years of vacationing with Sniffy Poo?
Thinks that make you go….hmmmmmm
And how in Holy Hell can they think we'll fall for that "You stay up to date on your shots!" bullshit when it's obvious that it doesn't matter? Even if she doesn't really have it, it's still a real bad look.
A Pox on all their houses. Hey...that's not a bad idea...
Her name is Mrs. (YOUSE MUGS BETTER CALL HER DOCTOR NOW!!!) Dr. Joe Biden.
Hey, y'all wanna bet Quid Pro Quo Sell-Out Traitor China Joe "Big Guy" of the Biden Crime Family can plagiarize his wife's thesis so Fake News will demand that we call him a doctor too?