CDC Annoounces Deadly New "Electionyearicon" Covid Variant
Wowee golly! Surprise! Surprise!
Besides our weaponized DOJ (now just an Obamanized arm of the Deep State) TDS indicting Orange Man Bad for everything but jaywalking (and maybe that comes next), the CDC again strives to ensure Trump can't beat another election fraud cheat.
The Babylon Bee and me dino must think alike.
First time I heard the CDC farting their Schiff about a new Covid variant that will make us mask up, go hide, lock down businesses and schools just in time for the election, I knew exactly what those libtarded greedy pigs were up to.
Besides raking in another fortune with their scare tactics, its primarily about dumping Trump in case he beats all the scattershot of flimsy indictments likely on appeal since he can't get a change of venue from those libtraded strongholds.
Wonder if the Bee writers read a book I have called "Presidential Takedown" subtitled "How Anthony Fauci, the CDC, NIH and the WHO Conspired To Overthrow President Trump."
Me the dino got my hands on that shortly after my most conservative of four brothers Christmas gifted me with both the book and the DVD "2000 Mules" by writer and director Dinesh D'Souza.
This same brother Christmas gifted me with the "Atlas Shrugged" DVDs that long story short intorduced me to Ayn Rand and led me to discovering this The Gulch now almost a decade ago.
Besides our weaponized DOJ (now just an Obamanized arm of the Deep State) TDS indicting Orange Man Bad for everything but jaywalking (and maybe that comes next), the CDC again strives to ensure Trump can't beat another election fraud cheat.
The Babylon Bee and me dino must think alike.
First time I heard the CDC farting their Schiff about a new Covid variant that will make us mask up, go hide, lock down businesses and schools just in time for the election, I knew exactly what those libtarded greedy pigs were up to.
Besides raking in another fortune with their scare tactics, its primarily about dumping Trump in case he beats all the scattershot of flimsy indictments likely on appeal since he can't get a change of venue from those libtraded strongholds.
Wonder if the Bee writers read a book I have called "Presidential Takedown" subtitled "How Anthony Fauci, the CDC, NIH and the WHO Conspired To Overthrow President Trump."
Me the dino got my hands on that shortly after my most conservative of four brothers Christmas gifted me with both the book and the DVD "2000 Mules" by writer and director Dinesh D'Souza.
This same brother Christmas gifted me with the "Atlas Shrugged" DVDs that long story short intorduced me to Ayn Rand and led me to discovering this The Gulch now almost a decade ago.
My first thought was Voter Fraud By Mail
Due to that aforementioned DVD I watched and that book I read that came with it, me dino first thought of mules paid to stuff drop boxes.
I'm certain every voter fraud shenanigan imaginable was used to protect the Deep State's sell-out interests from Orange Man Bad.
Our Federal Republic is worth saving.
"The level of love and passion plus the level of hatred (of the Deep State) in this country is a very bad combination" -Donald J. Trump
"Yes it is" -Tucker Carson
Then got a mild case (I suspect they are all relatively minor, unless you were in jeopardy from the flu. . Minor symptoms. My wife (nurse) convinced me to try Paxovid to speed up recovery. Now, I have an absolute gut of steel. I NEVER get sick, and can eat anything. Wasp stings disappear in a few hours. I don't even get poison ivy. That stuff made me as sick as a dog! Burning hut, mouth felt like I was chewing on steel wool and battery acid. One pill was it. Never doing that crap again. Turns out my GP had similar reactions.
From here on, I'm counting on my immune system, which we all might have benefited from in the first place. We never needed to do anything. Could have left the world open, and been just fine.
Oh, and it's not more deadly. And they cannot tell if it is more infectious...
I simply assume it is all lies of some kind!
So I just changed the category from Humor to Politics since there's no category for political scams (such as again undermining the next POTUS election) and/or greedy tyrannical behavior.
city surveillance cameras and stationed video makers aligned with D'Souza who recorded Mule activity for 2000 Mules.
Never again.