CDC Annoounces Deadly New "Electionyearicon" Covid Variant

Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 4 months ago to Politics
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Wowee golly! Surprise! Surprise!
Besides our weaponized DOJ (now just an Obamanized arm of the Deep State) TDS indicting Orange Man Bad for everything but jaywalking (and maybe that comes next), the CDC again strives to ensure Trump can't beat another election fraud cheat.
The Babylon Bee and me dino must think alike.
First time I heard the CDC farting their Schiff about a new Covid variant that will make us mask up, go hide, lock down businesses and schools just in time for the election, I knew exactly what those libtarded greedy pigs were up to.
Besides raking in another fortune with their scare tactics, its primarily about dumping Trump in case he beats all the scattershot of flimsy indictments likely on appeal since he can't get a change of venue from those libtraded strongholds.
Wonder if the Bee writers read a book I have called "Presidential Takedown" subtitled "How Anthony Fauci, the CDC, NIH and the WHO Conspired To Overthrow President Trump."
Me the dino got my hands on that shortly after my most conservative of four brothers Christmas gifted me with both the book and the DVD "2000 Mules" by writer and director Dinesh D'Souza.
This same brother Christmas gifted me with the "Atlas Shrugged" DVDs that long story short intorduced me to Ayn Rand and led me to discovering this The Gulch now almost a decade ago.
SOURCE URL: https://babylonbee.com/news/cdc-announces-deadly-new-electionyearicron-covid-variant

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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 4 months ago
    I loved the announcement about a 14% increase in covid hospitalizations. First, that's a SMALL percentage increase for a DECENT number (100 now 114). But imagine the rounding when you have less than 10 people. And you add one. OMG it's a 14% increase.

    Oh, and it's not more deadly. And they cannot tell if it is more infectious...

    I simply assume it is all lies of some kind!
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 1 year, 4 months ago
    It is just transparent isn't it. No humor.
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    • Posted by $ 1 year, 4 months ago
      You're right! You moved me to again read article the Bee wrote and realized it is as humorless as what I wrote.
      So I just changed the category from Humor to Politics since there's no category for political scams (such as again undermining the next POTUS election) and/or greedy tyrannical behavior.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 1 year, 4 months ago
    The CDC is part of the globalist agenda, they will tell people to get another shot, with the goal of depopulation. Look how many are still dying form the erased immunes systems, blood clots, heart damage and increased cancer incidence caused by their prior advice. They helps make the virus in the first place. They are the left hand of globalism. And how many children have lost the immunity from earlier schools shots when the immune sys. was damaged from covid19 shots, samde with military personnel and loss of their prior shot immunityies? Now we have TB, measles, mumps, Hansons Disease, and polio showing up, because of them.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 1 year, 3 months ago
    CDC and government employees will go back to wearing useless masks. If they knew if they took off masks outside in the fresh air is loaded with plant and tree pollen, various fungi spores, and various other flotsam.
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