4th Psyop Division Ghosts in the machine
Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 7 months ago to Technology
"To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill."— Sun Tzu, 4th century B.C.
Psychological operations, or PSYOP, is a form of political and
military activity that is understood and defined in a number of different ways. The definition upon which current peacetime U.S. PSYOP policy is based was established in Department of Defense Directive S-3321.1, Overt Psychological Operations Conducted by the Military Services in Peacetime and in Contingencies Short of Declared War (1984). That definition states that Psychological Operations are "planned political, economic, military, and ideological activities directed toward foreign countries, organizations, and individuals in order to create emotions, attitudes, understandings, beliefs, or behavior favorable to the achievement of U.S. political and military objectives." The DoD directive was formulated to establish standard guidelines for all aspects of PSYOP (planning, programming, execution, control) conducted by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense in non-wartime conditions. But PSYOP also includes a number
of other activities that fall under strategic military and political policy. Activities of that type are defined in Joint Chiefs of Staff Publication 1
as: "planned psychological activities in peace and war, which normally pursue objectives to gain the support and cooperation of friendly and neutral countries and to reduce the will and the capacity of hostile or potentially hostile countries to wage war." The latter definition reflects
the expansion in scope that has occurred in PSYOP in the last fifty
years. In the modern world, the scope of PSYOP is wider than ever. See video https://www.dvidshub.net/video/882019...
Psychological operations, or PSYOP, is a form of political and
military activity that is understood and defined in a number of different ways. The definition upon which current peacetime U.S. PSYOP policy is based was established in Department of Defense Directive S-3321.1, Overt Psychological Operations Conducted by the Military Services in Peacetime and in Contingencies Short of Declared War (1984). That definition states that Psychological Operations are "planned political, economic, military, and ideological activities directed toward foreign countries, organizations, and individuals in order to create emotions, attitudes, understandings, beliefs, or behavior favorable to the achievement of U.S. political and military objectives." The DoD directive was formulated to establish standard guidelines for all aspects of PSYOP (planning, programming, execution, control) conducted by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense in non-wartime conditions. But PSYOP also includes a number
of other activities that fall under strategic military and political policy. Activities of that type are defined in Joint Chiefs of Staff Publication 1
as: "planned psychological activities in peace and war, which normally pursue objectives to gain the support and cooperation of friendly and neutral countries and to reduce the will and the capacity of hostile or potentially hostile countries to wage war." The latter definition reflects
the expansion in scope that has occurred in PSYOP in the last fifty
years. In the modern world, the scope of PSYOP is wider than ever. See video https://www.dvidshub.net/video/882019...
Nothing real but the real fakery. The world is their movie set.
PS, we were one up on them about Ukraine. We knew it was a con job.
Covid = Genocide . Hegelian dialectic. Create a problem / Covid Solution/ deadly mRNA vax.
Or another example is Climate change=Genocide . Hegelian Dialectic . Create a problem / oceans rise
Solution / give up energy independence.
This WWlll is irregular warfare brother it is being played by good and evil actors. Lawfare. Psyops. Information. Political. Financial . Covert . Non-kinetic . Kinetic. Eyes open no fear.
Sometimes I wonder if they really know , , ,useful idiots verses those that push their buttons.
You know something big is going to go down for 2024.
CoG. Marshal Law. Emergency Powers Act. CBDC.
Anything to stop the election from proceeding.
First they tried covid, then it was the Fed-Surrection. next they tried the alien invasion Op/scam, the climate change scam is certainly on the table, but don't forget anyone who supports Donald Trump (75 million of us) is a domestic terrorist, so if the kangaroo court (4th attempt) doesn't go as planned..... they might see fit to lock us all down.
“I am a wartime president, Attacked worse than Pearl Harbor, worse than 9/11” Pres Trump.
BuyDem is not in control. Devolution or COG is in force and the corrupt are going down. BTW , Trumps support is well over 100,000,000. Peace to you tutor turtle.
Panic in DC. The deep state has lost the narrative and will act as a cornered wild animal.
The current treasonous election interference maybe the straw that breaks their collective back. Remember FISA goes both ways. The same bad actors are very well known.
Pray for our country.
can it be opposite of reason and individualism.
A prayer can be a tool to gather courage , to or to calm down your emotions.This is like Self talk which could also assist in having composure and improve accomplishing tasks.
Praying for outcomes and relying on prayer for results is as you say.
I would rather discuss the dismantling of the Satanic Luciferian Genocidal Globalist Peedo Prussian Cabal .