COVID caused this Inflation

Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 5 months ago to Government
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COVID wasn't just about getting people to kill themselves physically, but financially as well. Inflation is killing our economy just as sure as the jabs are introducing side effects to the physical health of everyone.

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  • Posted by Lucky 1 year, 5 months ago
    Agree, obvious and correct.

    It is a global phenomenon, at least where governments went overboard on the Wuhu. All the gov measures claimed to bring financial stability were used (misused) and created greater instability.

    The public (or is it just the media?) have short memories, at the start of the vaccine rave, no one remembered that there had never been a successful vaccine for any of the coronavirus family, failure a generation earlier was well documented.
    Then they said, if it saves just one life, a nonsense statement but ironic at that time considering the vax actually increased mortality. It was the alliance of big pharma and government that created disaster from a situation that was little worse than yet another typical flu.

    If that was not bad enough, governments brought in financial measures to stabilize the economy, after imposing shutdowns lockdowns masking, at least that was the claim. Easy money, forced low interest rates, schemes to pay people to stay at home, and not to work, did benefit a range of the laptop class, but led inevitably to inflation.
    Like every time before, inflation does not stop when the cause is removed, it has a life of its own. We hope it will wither away, when it does, prices never drop to previous levels, the best we can hope is stability at the new level.
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