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  • Posted by Eyecu2 1 year, 8 months ago
    I posted this on the Fox site.

    It is no surprise that Ms. Rand foresaw these pitfalls for America, for she grew up in the early stages of the communist revolution and was a first hand witness to Germany's turn to Nazism during WWII. This made her particularly sensitive to the very earliest stages of what the vast majority of Conservative Americans are only now opening their eyes too.

    Many Libertarians have been warning of this for years but we have been called kooks and conspiracy theorists. We only pray that the general population of America comes to these same conclusions before it is too late.
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  • Posted by Stormi 1 year, 8 months ago
    This is not the Fox we came to look to for some truth. But, it was never what Rupert was about, based on his pulications in other countreis. Nor the Rupert who was so devoted to soviet communism he kept a bust of a soviet dictator on his Oxford Univ. desk! Now, Fox has gone where Hollywood went when they misinterprested "Atlas Shrugged" in Dirty Dancing. The same Holloywood which misinterpreted Wm. Wordsworth in "Splendor in the Grass" with the quote from Ode on the Intimations of Immortality form Recollections of Early Childhood. They just lack logic and the ability to read and understand what is being put before them. Fox is mostly liberal learning and will get worse now.
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