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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 1 year, 6 months ago
    As posted on

    In America, there are three and only three ways that We the People can effectively alter and defang the oppressive governments (Local, State, Federal) currently destroying our lives, our fortunes, our sacred honor, and our Individual Rights. viz. Elect them out, Shoot them out, or Mass civil disobedience them out.

    Given the success of the left in the 2020 election through manipulation of the process, especially in the five “swing” States via stuffed ballot boxes, delivering unverifiable votes in the wee hours, and, the Arizona Governor’s race which denied voter’s rights because “printer’s stopped working”, it seems unlikely that We can vote them out.

    A bloody revolution is impossible because as the author points out “But worst of all these worsts is the fact that the United States’ populace is no longer “united” even in the most general sense of “We are all Americans.”, and John Adams contention that the original American Revolution was effected in the “minds and hearts of the people” long before the shooting started.

    A mass civil disobedience movement, the mass veto, might work but would be hindered by this same lack of unity. However, if there are enough of us who are united, then a movement to resist tyranny by not paying our income taxes could disrupt the controller’s dreams. It would take tens of millions of us to pick an April 15th. to not file the tax forms. This resistance against authority would not go unnoticed and might result in even greater tyranny. But a reasoned revolution has to begin somewhere.
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