MAiD catching on in Canada. Soylent Green around the corner? Works wonders if somebody’s sick/depressed that you want to “off”—all it takes is a little coaxing (browbeating?) and a compliant doctor
Posted by bubah1mau 1 year, 7 months ago to Philosophy
I know there are arguments pro and con; for one thing, the exorbitant expense of keeping someone alive if they’re already a vegetable (no comments about people in the WH or senators from Pennsylvania). But the obvious problem is the potential for abuse.
Whoa, I just took a timeout to rethink that.
Now me dino can think of a lot of places where cockroaches have already taken over. Some look like jackasses.
Lets see how many join up before we try MAiD.
Who is willing to go first?
Of course there is the possibility of government abuse. What lacks the opportunity for government abuse? They already abuse this in completely different ways. Keeping old people alive at ridiculous expense is abused by virtually all capitalist retirement homes.
There is no good answer, but wasting a college tuition to stay alive 6 months is just stupid. I’m not there yet, but am assured this opinion will not change even then.
I'm not opposed to the idea that a person can take his/her own life--that's just a final demonstration of ownership. I'm just concerned with possibilities for abuse, especially, most egregiously, political abuse (as some pointed out here), of assisted suicide--as I'm sure most Canadians are.
I know a little girl with cancer who beat it. She had the whole company of 21k employees behind her, as her father was a senior, and well-loved business leader. It came back a year later and at 14 she said “Nope, not again. No more”. She was dead in 3 months. What a brave little girl!
Another guy who worked for me had leukemia. One of the smartest people I’ve ever met, and an absolute workhorse. Went through hell. Marrow transplant and everything. He had it beat too. Then it came back. The treatments were outside his policy. He called it, rather than let his family be destitute.
These are real heroes, not sucking the life out of everyone for a failed hope, and leaving their families destitute. The “fighters” sitting in hospital beds for 9 months are fighting with 90% of external resources, fear and ego. These are NOT heroes. They are cowards. In any other environment they would be selfish cowards. Our resources somehow sanctify them.