Could We Organize a Neighborhood DropBox Watch for 2024?

Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 8 months ago to Politics
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I have an idea... Let's get 24/7 watches going on. Maybe 4hr shifts of 2-3 people. Armed with Go Pro Cameras, Cell Phones.

Lets take photos of license plates.
Lets monitor these things.

And in the states where ballot harvesting is not legal, then when someone is attempting to drop off multiple ballots, I suggest we find out if they are legit.

Honestly. That's one plan.

The Second Plan involves getting Republicans to vote early, but drop off at the actual voter centers/offices.

The final plan... Call it the LAST CHOICE...

Maybe we find the schedule for when the drop boxes are picked up,
and someone drops a road flare in the box a few hours earlier.

(So the boxes are easier to find)

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  • Posted by BostonTEA 1 year, 8 months ago
    Watch the movie 2000 Mules. The people involved had access to 4 million minutes of drop box video footage. Ballot box stuffing was definitely observed.
    Prosecutions? I haven't heard of any, to any large degree.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 8 months ago
      For Christmas my most conservative of three surviving of four brothers gave me the DVD and the book. Read it before I saw it, so to speak.
      The movie starts with senile Joe actually admitting that his party was organizing the greatest massive election fraud ever.
      Look it up on the internet and you'll see it swamped with libtarded Fake News disclaimers that the old fool did not mean what he said.
      Yeah, like that criminal sell-out traitor did not mean what he as stupidly said while being filmed to a crowd when bragging about withholding a billion bucks if the Ukraine did not fire a prosecutor investigating his son within six hours.
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      • Posted by lrshultis 1 year, 8 months ago
        It was reported that investigations(?) show that there wasn't enough fraud to change the outcome of the election. It seems like that in many of today's investigations it is in the eye of the beholder what should be swept under the rug never to be mentioned again. Truth is not what most contemporary Americans want, especially in politics but even knowledge in general with new generations being educated from some very iffy textbooks and online media. Time for the AI overlords to straighten things out.
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        • Posted by 1 year, 8 months ago
          It's not possible to know if it was enough to over turn the election... Because Every state could admit, individually, yeah, it could overturn OUR results, but not the election...
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          • Posted by lrshultis 1 year, 8 months ago
            What bothers me is that some fraud is acceptable. Not long for the Republic to meet the fate of other republics, though it has had very good run.
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            • Posted by 1 year, 8 months ago
              Honestly, because I have been involved in a case, and provided some tools to help others bring issues forward... It's complicated.
              First, you will ALWAYS have some level of fraud (it's not usually voter fraud, it's electioneering that is the real crime).
              But the CALLOUS way the Brenda Snipes "Processed" the voters who REPLIED to Jury Duty saying "Not A Citizen"... One would think, she would have someone flag them as NOT ABLE TO VOTE... Right?
              Nope, her "Process" was to STAMP them, and FILE THEM away. See... That's a "Process".
              It's just not a GOOD or EFFECTIVE one.

              Just like in the Kari Lake case, they guy approved EVERY Signature. Violating the ESSENCE of "Signature Verification"... But their answer is "Well, that's not Fraud... that's just someone doing their job too fast. he still "verified" the signatures..." LOL.

              And finally, we have ZERO Audits. And when we do try recounts, they are NOT designed to validate the VERACITY of votes, just the accuracy of the tabulation.

              And if you TAMPER with the boxes. Then no recount is allowed, and the original counts must stand (instead of must be thrown out, and a new election held)...

              It's all just one giant fall from grace...
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 1 year, 8 months ago
      Yeah, I think it's a moot point. Everybody knows they're doing it. But, the system's too far gone for any legitimate corrective action. We're dealing with Marxists here. Anybody who is officially tasked with doing something about any of this is already corrupted. So, the alternative is mass citizens arrests carried out by the likes of you and me. You know how that will end. "Threat to democracy!" "Biggest threat to America is white supremacy..." Etc. I'm still debating if I even want to vote this time.
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  • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 8 months ago
    can we?
    likely yes

    will it matter?
    why would it when clear evidence of cheating does not matter now?
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    • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 8 months ago
      Make the cheating even more obvious, so obvious that it can't be ignored by brainwashed people.
      I know, I know. It only matters when enough people go on strike against the Deep State.
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      • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 8 months ago
        what will it take to wake people up?
        no idea....
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        • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 8 months ago
          You are witnessing people wake up . Everyone can see the nonsense of up is down a p3nis can have a period. Compliance is the first step towards tyranny.
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          • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 year, 8 months ago
            Cheaters gonna cheat.

            Explain how a an old man, with advanced dementia, well past his sell-by-date, couldn't get 100 people in a Walmart parking lot for a speech (I actually witnessed an event where the cops and SS far out numbered the people, who where likely bussed in), sat in his basement for the entire campaign season, got 25,000,000 more votes than Barack the Magic Kenyan. Out numbering President Trumps commanding lead, in one picosecond, at 3:00 in the morning, after vote counting had "stopped".

            Saying that somehow, someway, we are going put a shine on this turd is laughable on it's face.

            The 2020 election was stolen eight ways to Sunday. There is not a more corrupt country when it comes to rigged elections than United Communist States of Amerika.

            Yesterday McCarthy stabbed us in the back (just as I knew he would) The DemonCrats and most of the Rethuglicans, now have a blank check for two years to run what's left of this Republic right off the cliff.

            If by some miracle Trump is allowed to win for the third time, (just for the record) he will be ham-strung by crushing debt, staggering inflation, sky-high interest rates and a world dumping toxic USDs and treasury bonds as fast as they can, as they will be valueless as currency gets. All by (Central Bank) plan. We will be blackmailed into CBDC's while the intelligent nations will be using BRICS backed (partially) by gold, silver and a basket of currencies.

            Bretton Woods is history.
            The Petro Dollar is history.
            The country, as we knew it, is history.
            The death of the USD is inevitable as the sun setting in the evening. It doesn't mean the end of the world, but the suffering this nation will face will be like nothing we have ever seen in our lifetimes, or even our grandparents who lived through the great depression.
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  • Posted by mikeofallon 1 year, 8 months ago
    In 2020, counts were overlaid at a high level based on 2010 census numbers. Districts that had significant drops in pop more likely had # of votes > registered voters. Didn't matter if your polling place had no 'net connection - counts got overlaid higher up. Destroying fake mail-ins would not affect final counts.
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 8 months ago
    Keep in mind folks.....it’s easier and less obtrusive to change votes vs creating them. 2000 mules was the creative process in action. And people noticed. But a switch here and a switch there......
    Keep in mind also that Trump could have penned an Executive Order that ALL FEDERAL ELECTIONS must be in person. And then let SCOTUS sort it out. Even if he lost, the result would have been what we have now.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 8 months ago
      Well, the ballot harvesting is important.
      The ballot stuffing happens because we do NOT force the SOE's to clean their voter rolls.

      MI is my #1 example. When the VAST MAJORITY of your dead people cast ballots. there was SERIOUS ballot stuffing going on. (These people were ASSIGNED a ballot that was printed and ready to go).

      in fact, the simple audit is this...
      LONG before the ballots are counted, they need to be assigned, electronically, and matched to the outer envelopes.

      Place like MI (last I checked) use PAPER poll books. So they just check off that you voted.

      And it took them DAYS after the election to produce them. How is that possible. All the ballots should have been in hand, and the "sender" checked off. (Well, that doesn't work when you are scanning until you win... Because you need to keep creating ballots. Then assigning them to people).

      FWIW, I know a few people who left MI to live in FL. Apparently "they" voted in both their MARRIED and their MAIDEN names. Again, this only happens with ballot stuffing. (yeah, occassionally, human error, checks the wrong name. And THIS is how they hide it. It came up in the court case I was testifying in... Apparently the person who "mistakenly" checked a name, on election day, in NY, remembered doing that, for THAT specific name, and there was no easy way to correct it... BS)...

      Meanwhile, the other sign... You show up to vote, and are told you already voted... Again. Someone printed a ballot, and assigned YOUR name to it.

      But we will NEVER research these. They go to the FBI, who buries the cases.

      Yes, being HIGHLY AWARE... And learning to communicate better... Opening peoples eyes.
      And OVERWHELMING the system by getting EVERY person out to vote... Will help. It leaves less room for cheating.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 1 year, 8 months ago
    What would a drop-box watch actually DO? Nobody is going to arrest ballot-box stuffers. If you document their existence and submit an objection to the election, it'll get dismissed in some way that avoids ruling on the merits. In short, in the places where drop boxes are used, the system is so corrupt it's useless to us.

    If we were willing to adopt Antifa-level tactics, though, or one of our people were leading a SWAT team, I can think of one thing that would work: use the technology that 2000 Mules did, but in real time, to backtrack the mules to the boiler rooms where the pre-filled ballots are being made and distributed to mules. Then (if you're a SWAT team) raid the place, arrest everyone there, and confiscate all the evidence, or (if you're Antifa) burn the place down.

    This is a hypothetical, of course.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 8 months ago
      The problem with 2,000 mules is that the USABLE footage was crap. And there is a plausible excuse that they were just driving around there.
      They proved IT COULD have happened, not that it did. Not to a court standard.

      The point being that anyone dropping off more than the legally allowed ballots could be identified as FACT...

      And THOSE facts are now admissible. And things like wearing neoprene gloves becomes PROOF that they know they are breaking the law, and they are taking steps to avoid detection. (The ATTEMPT to commit a felony, is in fact, a felony).

      It takes 2,000 Mules... Converts it to 10,000 Patriots... And records the UGLY process...

      If we can get SOME mules to become afraid to take a second batch... That alone would be success...

      Yes, we have to fight the media. But that will always be true. Notice how they treat Trippin' Old Joe... Versus the Trump Shuffle...
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      • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 8 months ago
        The problem is easily solved.
        Eliminate all drop boxes everywhere because it will enable cheating
        and the government has proven they will cheat for decades.
        Eliminate electronic vote counting everywhere because it will enable
        cheating and the government has proven they will cheat for decades.
        Always require government issued photo identification of every voter
        and verify that no voter can vote more than one time. It's very easy.
        If the government does not remove these obvious weaknesses in the
        voting process, then they prove they want to continue to cheat and
        have no desire for fair election count.
        Just like every other banana republic tyranny.
        They have proven they do not deserve anyone's consent for anything.
        DC. NIFO.
        It's the only way to be sure.
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        • Posted by 1 year, 8 months ago
          Oh, there's a lot of ways to fix things.
          But TPTB don't want them fixed.
          BTW, we should vote on a SATURDAY.
          It's insane that we vote on a work day.
          Well, lets pray that Trump gets his second terms... And heads roll!
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