Edmund Burke - In action today

Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 8 months ago to Philosophy
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Society is growing less able to restrain itself every day. Democrats love this because it means they can call for ever-growing controls on the populace. Why else would they seek to inundate the United States with foreigners and let criminals go free all while persecuting the law-abiding!
SOURCE URL: https://townhall.com/columnists/marklewis/2023/05/28/a-bit-of-brilliance-from-burke-n2623787

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  • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 8 months ago
    I'll say what the author didn't.
    Unfortunately both the Democrats and the GOP are the leftists who seek
    power over others and they work together against the innocent people.
    Neither of the major parties are conservative, regardless of the GOP's claims.
    Both parties, Democrat and GOP,represent evil.
    All those supporting tyrannical government must be removed from power
    and punished, including politicians and those using control behind the scenes.
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    • Posted by $ 1 year, 8 months ago
      Those people wouldn't be in power, however, unless they weren't voted in by the same people underpinning Burke's thesis: those who do not wish to rule themselves. The problem lies as much in the people as in their representatives - which was Burke's original point.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 8 months ago
        I wasn't commenting on Burke's point, but on the limits of the author's article. I agree with Burke's point.

        I don't agree that people voted in what they wanted.
        For a long time people have voted in what they thought was moral and good.
        Unfortunately, the candidates were not as advertised.
        A small number of people want to rule others and they volunteer to take leadership responsibilities that the majority do not desire.
        Most want to be left alone to support and raise their families.
        I agree that people haven't taken enough responsibility to defend their freedoms in civic activities. That has allowed the power hungry to expand power at all levels.
        That has meant that the Deep State uni-party has controlled the viable candidates offered using their unlimited funding and media controls.
        People didn't realize their sources of information were just propaganda designed to mislead them and eventually enslave them.
        Recently that censorship and fake news flow has started to change.
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        • Posted by $ 1 year, 8 months ago
          "I don't agree that people voted in what they wanted."

          You're free to believe that if you want, but the presence of such Democrats as Maxine Waters, Fetterman, AOC, Rashida Tlaib, and many others - along with a whole host of RINO's who keep getting re-elected tells me the opposite - much to my consternation. It is disheartening, I agree to think that so many of my fellow Americans have bought the cradle-to-grave welfare state ideas, but even some people I know who I thought were conservative complain that they "don't get enough from the government." When I confronted them on the fact that what they thought they should get came from my pocketbook, they were somewhat uncomfortable, but not uncomfortable enough to change their views. [shakes head]

          It's not that I disagree that the last set of elections was manipulated, but they didn't have to manipulate it that much for Biden to beat Trump. Five purple states is all it took when they have 20 deep blue ones...
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          • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 8 months ago
            I guess I wasn't clear.
            The major parties candidates are not selected by people with accurate information.
            Candidates viability is controlled and have been for at least 60 years (with Trump the only possible exception who gained access to power.)
            I can't blame people who were brainwashed into believing that voting gave them a voice when it didn't.
            Yes, it does appear that today there are a lot more people who feel that the only way to survive is to
            take as much as possible from government, but most of them have also been misled by propaganda.
            The left has 20 "blue" states by lying and cheating and bribing desperate and uninformed people
            (and by encouraging the invasion by more desperate, uninformed people.)
            I blame the power hungry who do the lying, cheating, and bribing.
            I don't blame the desperate and brainwashed people.
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            • Posted by GaryL 1 year, 8 months ago
              You were crystal clear! It is not about who We The People vote for but it's all about where we get the information about those who we vote for. We do not know who Kevin McCarthy or Donald Trump really are but we do know what the MSM tells us whether we care to believe it or do any research about them. We go to the polls based on the info we are fed and that is highly dependent upon where you get your news from. We try to teach our children that lying is a sin yet they see and hear lying politicians and news outlets 24-7-365. Children learn rather quickly, why should they be truthful while everyone around them are liars. Show me an honest kid today and I will show you a kid who has not been paying attention.
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            • Posted by $ 1 year, 8 months ago
              "The major parties candidates are not selected by people with accurate information."

              We're never going to have perfect information. Political agendas prevent that from happening even if the people themselves bother to educate themselves - and they don't. That's the bigger issue: the voting populace have done nothing to "keep our republic." (Apologies to Ben Franklin.)

              Its not just information either - that would assume that people are primarily logical. What we've seen is that people are - unfortunately - far more controllable by fear than by logical argument. Has the process of information dissemination been perverted to some degree? Yes. But we have alternative media sources people can go to if they choose. The problem is that they choose not to put in the effort necessary. It's not easy to keep a free society. And we've been lazy. What I fear is that it's far too late to prevent the coming collapse.
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              • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 8 months ago
                I must admit, more people seem to have no clue about civic matters
                (and are 'just following orders' without even knowing who gives the orders.)
                Here's another example of the young protesting without any understanding whatsoever:
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                • Posted by katrinam41 1 year, 8 months ago
                  Crazy. But that's how the leftist mind works (pardon my mistake. Student leftist minds do not work) These grads, probably all progressives, can't even get their heads into whether Cheney is on their side or the other side. She's a republican, therefore the enemy, or she's a rino, therefore the good guy. And this latest crop of confused children are destined to take the reins of power. (Shudders!) edited for spelling.
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                • Posted by $ 1 year, 8 months ago
                  With respect, anyone protesting Liz Cheney probably does know what a complete joke she was. Remember, this partisan hack got herself censured by her own party and thrown out on a landslide vote in Wyoming.

                  The students who barricaded in faculty and staff and threatened to physically harm them if they didn't support woke narratives are probably a better example of all of this: everything from a clueless population to a lack of coherent thought to a literal mob demanding ruling privileges.
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                  • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 8 months ago
                    Your example is an excellent one of woke brainwashing.
                    imo, the disrespect these students show is correct but their faulty reasoning is that she is an "evil Republican", not that she is a joke.
                    I'm certain that their leftist teachers haven't given them any other justifying details.
                    The students protesting assume that as a Republican she opposes their moronic leftist goals.
                    In fact, as a Deep State tool she supports their goals to the extent that it makes them useful idiots to concentrate power to the DS.
                    These students are just as woke as the mob you refer to, just less violent.
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                    • Posted by $ 1 year, 8 months ago
                      Would like to hear from the students themselves instead of making assumptions. Some students are pretty smart, some ... not so much.
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                      • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 8 months ago
                        I'll tell you what my daughter pointed out.
                        Professors who start the class dissing Trump, and then declare "But lets not talk politics", and move on.

                        The kids in the class approached my daughter and begged her to stand up to the professor and challenge some of this.

                        So, she did it very subtly... She said after one of this missives "For the record, we should should not talk politics. But wouldn't it be more appropriate to NOT dump your views on us, before shutting down the conversation? Whether we agree with you or not, it seems wrong."

                        She got away with that, and the teacher stopped.

                        But it was clear the kids are often too afraid to speak up.

                        There are plenty of smart kids out there. Unfortunately, the University Brainwashes them.
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                        • Posted by $ Snezzy 1 year, 8 months ago
                          Rand was asked what students should do when faced with the necessity of parroting acceptable answers in order to pass a course required for professional advancement. Perhaps "Ethics in nursing" or "History of capitalist oppression" or whatever.

                          She said, if I remember correctly, to give them what they ask for but to retain the knowledge that you were forced.
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                          • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 8 months ago
                            That was the secret to my daughters success.
                            I thought her to regurgitate back what they wanted her to say. But to always master the truth, and be able to cut their arguments to shreds.

                            Unfortunately, it has become a standard she applies AGAINST ME... LOL... Like most adult children... That said... I am confident she will do well in life and does not need me to be there for her. My job is done.
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                      • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 8 months ago
                        I'd like to hear it direct from the students as well, in plain English with rational argument to support opinion.
                        But I'm not holding my breath for it.
                        People who do try to explain reality of markets are shouted down on campus instead of students taking time to listen and respond rationally.
                        Campuses are not sites for open discussion as they were when I attended, and the society is poorer for that.
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 year, 8 months ago
      50% of Congress just got Satellite phones. The big False Flag can't be far off. When "Emergency Powers" kick in and it's COG time, Our money will be worthless, you'll be offered CBDC's instead (which is actually worse than fiat paper currency because they can and will turn it off at will) we will be locked down, rolling blackouts will commence.
      We all knew this day was coming... have you properly prepared?
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      • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 8 months ago
        Getting 'properly' prepared is dang near impossible, but one does prepare anyway.
        What's your suggestion for private communications long distance?
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        • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 year, 8 months ago
          Long distance is going to be a problem for those who aren't already well-versed in the HAM radio community (myself included) That said you can receive comms with a variety devices. I'm looking into software defined radio that can tune to any frequency. Then there is the traditional Shortwave receivers, I have a 1932 Atwater Kent (model 318) that has four bands two short wave, one long wave and standard AM. I also have a Sony all-band digital radio I have yet to master. Damn thing came with a 300 page manual. Then you all have to learn what time of the day or night is best for any given frequency. Even the aliment of planets mess with the signal.
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        • Posted by $ 1 year, 8 months ago
          When you say long distance do you mean a thousand miles or intercontinental?

          Amateur radio isn't exactly private, but the ham community is pretty good about ignoring communications not meant for them specifically. And if you know Morse Code, you can transmit on very low power all over the globe. There are many contesters who do CW (Morse Code) on as little as 5 Watts of power. (Most use 100W or more.)

          Just FYI, but encrypted communications are only legal if you go through a service provider that handles the encryption part. According to the FCC, the CIA/NSA has to be able to listen in on anything. :(
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  • Posted by bsudell 1 year, 8 months ago
    Another government lie. They always blame the people, not themselves. The politicians are the MOB. That is the problem. They do not care what we want. They only care about what they want -- money and power.
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