Ben Shapiro and Rachel Madcow are the bizarro world versions of the same thing.
Rachel Maddow and Ben Shapiro are the bizarro world versions of the same thing.
These two play the exact same role on opposite sides of the Controlled Opposition paradigm.
They portray themselves as extremely committed to their opposing cultural beliefs and they will argue the minutiae of completely fictional scenarios.
Sometimes their opposing positions end up with a "compromise" position where the Uniparty Left and Right work together to advance their common cause - power for the Uniparty and themselves.
Otherwise, they are on the exact same page about 'what is really happening' and they will arrive at the same conclusion about 'what we must do' on every issue that truly matters to the Regime.
They agree that @realDonaldTrump and his supporters are stupid, evil, reckless, unprincipled, unrefined, uneducated, violent, cult members who are so dangerous to society that they must be kept from ever holding power. In that, they're leading a hate movement together.
They were on the same page about the seriousness of covid, trusting the Data and the Experts. They both encouraged their audience to inject themselves with a toxic, experimental substance that can't protect them from a disease that can't kill them. Throughout the Very Deadly Pandemic, they said Trump and his supporters were all wrong about everything, and irresponsibly wrong at that - putting the lives of others at risk.
They were on the same page about the Very Violent Insurrection. Trump and his supporters were violent extremists. It was appropriate for their rights to be violated and for them to be imprisoned. It was okay that we were censored.
They both agreed that Biden won the election in 2020 and ignored and denied all claims otherwise. They did the same thing in 2022. They both blamed the losses on Trump and his supporters. They said MAGA candidates couldn't win. They both know our elections are rigged. But it's worth lying to keep the bad people out of power.
Again, it's a hate movement.
Rachel Maddow and Ben Shapiro are the bizarro world versions of the same thing.
These two play the exact same role on opposite sides of the Controlled Opposition paradigm.
They portray themselves as extremely committed to their opposing cultural beliefs and they will argue the minutiae of completely fictional scenarios.
Sometimes their opposing positions end up with a "compromise" position where the Uniparty Left and Right work together to advance their common cause - power for the Uniparty and themselves.
Otherwise, they are on the exact same page about 'what is really happening' and they will arrive at the same conclusion about 'what we must do' on every issue that truly matters to the Regime.
They agree that @realDonaldTrump and his supporters are stupid, evil, reckless, unprincipled, unrefined, uneducated, violent, cult members who are so dangerous to society that they must be kept from ever holding power. In that, they're leading a hate movement together.
They were on the same page about the seriousness of covid, trusting the Data and the Experts. They both encouraged their audience to inject themselves with a toxic, experimental substance that can't protect them from a disease that can't kill them. Throughout the Very Deadly Pandemic, they said Trump and his supporters were all wrong about everything, and irresponsibly wrong at that - putting the lives of others at risk.
They were on the same page about the Very Violent Insurrection. Trump and his supporters were violent extremists. It was appropriate for their rights to be violated and for them to be imprisoned. It was okay that we were censored.
They both agreed that Biden won the election in 2020 and ignored and denied all claims otherwise. They did the same thing in 2022. They both blamed the losses on Trump and his supporters. They said MAGA candidates couldn't win. They both know our elections are rigged. But it's worth lying to keep the bad people out of power.
Again, it's a hate movement.
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- 2Posted by $ 25n56il4 1 year, 8 months agoYou never cease to amaze me. Hey, I don't think we will be getting too many immigrants in Texas this month. It's only June and the temp outside on my patio is 113 degrees hot! Whoops. My sunglasses fog up when I step outside. NMark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 3Posted by $ 25n56il4 1 year, 8 months agoMy Fred (four legged friend) has a bobo on his paw. I am pretty sure a Tarantula got him, it's their mating season in Texas and the yard man at my condo is gonna get fired if he doesn't speed it up and mow the grass! The bobo has heat in it and is about half an inch x one inch! The dumbo vet said 'we're going to have to amputate his paw! I said, 'not in my lifetime'. I'm putting CBD oil on it and it is gradually shrinking but is still hot. That silly vet wanted to check his liver and put him on steroids. His liver is great. He weighs 21 pounds as usual, eats like my Quarter Horse, and bounces around on that wounded paw. Yesterday he ran into t he street and I screamed so loud it registered at the fire department. But all the cars stopped and Fred made it safely back home. NMark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 8 months agoHopefully Fred will have a full recovery. He keeps you on your toes Nan.Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|
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