Join the "Control Group." Stop buying the products (and using the services) of companies run by people who despise you – and want to control you. Don't do any business with your enemies.
Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 7 months ago to Philosophy
"As horribly successful as the effort was to infect the populace with hypochondria – for the sake of controlling it – the attempt ultimately failed because of the Control Group. These were the people who smelled a rat – and refused to “mask up.” Who saw through the mask. Who refused the so-called “vaccines.”
They didn’t die.
In fact, they remained healthy – while many of those who took the “vaccines” found they were still getting sick.
And in many cases, worse.
If everyone had succumbed to the fear – and the pressure – it would have been much more difficult to establish the cause, as well as what was not the solution. It would have been easier for those responsible for creating mass panic to leverage it even further than they managed to.
As bad as it was, it might have been much worse.
This is how wrong is exposed – and evil destroyed.
By not enabling it. By not funding it.
Stop buying the products (and using the services) of companies run by people who despise you – and want to control you.
They depend upon your passivity, your understandable desire to not make a fuss and to be let alone. But – understand – they will never leave you alone. It is contrary to their nature, not merely their agenda. They are driven by a deep-seated sadism and hatred of others – of humanity, which they regard as cattle and themselves the ranchers thereof. Everything they say is not merely a lie, it is also something worse.
The Control Group saw and understood this as the “pandemic” unfolded. It was not obdurate selfishness that prompted them to show their faces. It was that they knew what it was really all about and were determined to not be a part of it.
Just the same as parents who have come to understand what government schooling is all about have chosen to not be a part of it.
Homeschooled kids are another – possibly, determinative – Control Group. They do better – academically and psychologically – than kids herded into government schools, where obedience to authority is the primary curriculum. Homeschooled kids develop the wonderful habit of questioning it – and by doing that, become the Control Group of the future.
Ours may may well depend on it, too."
"As horribly successful as the effort was to infect the populace with hypochondria – for the sake of controlling it – the attempt ultimately failed because of the Control Group. These were the people who smelled a rat – and refused to “mask up.” Who saw through the mask. Who refused the so-called “vaccines.”
They didn’t die.
In fact, they remained healthy – while many of those who took the “vaccines” found they were still getting sick.
And in many cases, worse.
If everyone had succumbed to the fear – and the pressure – it would have been much more difficult to establish the cause, as well as what was not the solution. It would have been easier for those responsible for creating mass panic to leverage it even further than they managed to.
As bad as it was, it might have been much worse.
This is how wrong is exposed – and evil destroyed.
By not enabling it. By not funding it.
Stop buying the products (and using the services) of companies run by people who despise you – and want to control you.
They depend upon your passivity, your understandable desire to not make a fuss and to be let alone. But – understand – they will never leave you alone. It is contrary to their nature, not merely their agenda. They are driven by a deep-seated sadism and hatred of others – of humanity, which they regard as cattle and themselves the ranchers thereof. Everything they say is not merely a lie, it is also something worse.
The Control Group saw and understood this as the “pandemic” unfolded. It was not obdurate selfishness that prompted them to show their faces. It was that they knew what it was really all about and were determined to not be a part of it.
Just the same as parents who have come to understand what government schooling is all about have chosen to not be a part of it.
Homeschooled kids are another – possibly, determinative – Control Group. They do better – academically and psychologically – than kids herded into government schools, where obedience to authority is the primary curriculum. Homeschooled kids develop the wonderful habit of questioning it – and by doing that, become the Control Group of the future.
Ours may may well depend on it, too."
I chose to not be vaccinated.
No/Mask/no jab .
But to rival the unofficial control group was the real control group by happenstance, those whom otherwise got the placebo jab...because, at that time, there was no jab. Not to mention, was required in order to fake a scientific experiment.
I truly am no longer negotiable or employable.