US may learn too late from Hungary's Orbán and his adamant stand against EU open migrant policy, plans to use Hungary as dumping ground for "migrant ghettos," alleviate EU migrant crisis

Posted by bubah1mau 1 year, 5 months ago to Government
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When Buy-them finishes his current term, there will be 10,000,000 new illegal aliens forming gangland "ghettos" right here in the US, and those will be added to the 20M visa overstays, anchor babies, DACA, and other illegal/should-be-illegal aliens already hosted in the US. That means roughly 10% of America's population will be composed largely of unvetted illegals who frequently have no love or understanding of traditional American values, ideals, and/or culture--prey for gangs, cartels, hostile national subversion, besides being a drain on Social Security and medical resources.

Illegal migration encouraged by Buy-them undermines, stifles legal modes of vetted immigration and controlled labor/farm-work visa issuance.

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