My Dream Job

Posted by $ rainman0720 1 year, 4 months ago to Humor
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Would be to work at The Bee. To get paid and come up with things like this would be perfect.

"The most advanced Artificial Intelligence on the planet was declared an illiterate moron Monday after viewing CNN for just three hours, say sources. Experts believe the A.I., which scours the Internet for information, could not escape the black hole of idiocy that is CNN's content."

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  • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 4 months ago
    my dream job

    well, i cannot post my REAL dream job....

    second, testing ammo and the stuff that uses them
    designing them also

    seems everyone now wants to have their own new caliber now
    6.5 whatever...
    the old 308, 7.62 NATO, 30-06 all seem too old for some

    to be honest, i now have a project working on 300 Blackout. got a Ruger Bolt Action that uses AR mags, working it up as a Night Fighter with 208 grain sub-sonics

    it will also fire 150 grain
    can remake 556 brass into 300 Blackout
    fun project
    may get AR uppers that fire this, may see if i can build on with a 20" barrel as most are 16 inch,. i'm old fashioned , prefer 20" for "real" work
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