Poland still eyes 1.5T Euro WWII reparations from Germany. Hard to let bygones be bygones
A very similar situation exists between PRC and N/S Korea vis-à-vis Japan for WWII and prewar destruction, suffering during IJA invasion, occupation.
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- 1Posted by JakeOrilley 1 year, 5 months agoAn interesting article, and bringing back an issue that I had thought was settled. As much in agreement with the claims, any type of settlement would be opening an international disaster - as you say, especially with, as you noted, PRC and Korea. And then there would be the North African nations as to Italy - and Germany. And where would it end? Yes, I applaud Poland reminding Germany what they did....but to expect anything at this date - Germany would be .... foolish?... to accede to the demands....Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|