Why Patriots Shouldn't Pledge Allegiance

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 7 months ago to Philosophy
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"A Government Loyalty Oath Written by a Socialist
Many who consider the pledge a cornerstone of conservative values will be surprised to learn it was written by a Christian Socialist named Francis Bellamy, who was run out of his pulpit at a Boston church for preaching against capitalism, and who called Jesus Christ a socialist.

His radical cousin, Edward Bellamy, wrote a popular novel, Looking Backward, which glowingly describes a future in which government controls the means of production and where men are conscripted into the country’s “industrial army” and compelled to work in roles assigned to them by central planners.

While working for The Youth’s Companion, a children’s magazine, Bellamy wrote the Pledge of Allegiance in 1892, timed to be introduced in patriotic celebrations accompanying the 400th anniversary of Columbus’s arrival.

According to a summary of Bellamy’s account of his writing of the pledge, he aimed for brevity, as well as “a rhythmic roll of sound so they would impress the children and have a lasting meaning when they became grown-up citizens.”


Given his beliefs, Bellamy was well-suited for creating a loyalty oath that conditions Americans to subordinate themselves to a powerful central government. Make no mistake—in pledging allegiance “to the republic,” Americans are doing precisely that.

That’s consistent with Bellamy’s wish for state sovereignty and individual liberties to yield to a centralized national government, but it’s starkly at odds with the founding spirit of the country.

Central to that spirit are the notions that government should be a servant and not a master, and that all government should be viewed with deep, ongoing wariness— certainly not the reverence demanded by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Free people have no business pledging loyalty to any government. It’s government that has a duty of loyalty to the people, with no more essential demonstration of that loyalty than the protection of the rights of individuals."
SOURCE URL: https://starkrealities.substack.com/p/why-patriots-shouldnt-pledge-allegiance

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  • Posted by 1 year, 7 months ago
    "Of the pledge’s 31 words, “indivisible” should give greatest offense to American patriots. The very existence of the United States—created by secession from the British empire—is a testament to political divisibility as a foundational human right.

    The Declaration of Independence explicitly expresses that sentiment:

    “Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed—that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”

    By reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and proclaiming the United States of America “indivisible,” Americans disclaim their human right of self-determination. They also surrender their ultimate means of holding government accountable: Every government should exist under perpetual threat of disintegration."
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 7 months ago
      Well, that's thinking outside the box. Nothing wrong with it for the reasons you give.
      I didn't know where the pledge came from until I read the article and I now realize how it can be turned into a weapon of indoctrination for the wrong people in charge.
      And the wrong people ARE in charge. Corrupt treasonous power hungry people.
      That old saying that "even the devil can quote scripture" springs to mind.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 7 months ago
      Pledging allegiance today is like sanctioning your own self immolation. This is a turning point . We are at War. It’s a war that most don’t even realize is taking place. We have been under attack for 100+ years really 250, but anyway our side has finally been fighting back. To the shock of the enemy. They are so threatened that they no longer hide their agenda. FuQ them , nothing can stop what is coming. Things will get very hectic and chaotic , like nothing we have seen before , scare event necessary. We will win.
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    • Posted by $ Commander 1 year, 7 months ago
      A great find. This is something to be seriously considered as we re-Assemble the States and Counties under common law.

      Any utterance, law, regulation, institution or treaty is to be treated as null and void, post-1871 .... and, even prior, to be re-evaluated as questionable.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 7 months ago
    Indoctrination of Children is what we are considering here . A pledge to the flag, a flag that represents individual rights, defending those rights as outlined by the constitution, pledging to live their life in their ethical self-interest would be my preference.
    When dealing with socialist , it’s important to note they are Prussian agents.
    Indoctrination Prussian style ,may seem familiar.
    “We are dealing with fascists here, the evolution of the Thule society into the Nazi Party adopted a completely authoritarian approach to rule. Decades prior to the Nazi regime, pedophile groomers running the German boy scouts indoctrinated young boys to integrate the “Sieg Heil” salute and the phrase “mein Fuhrer” into their daily routine. By the time Hitler rose to power, these former boy scouts were now grown men, some of whom had become powerful figures within German industry, judiciary, politics and military. They had never forgotten their days as boy scouts, nor had they forgotten the symbolism that had become deeply ingrained in their psyche.
    When the Nazi party emerged during the Weimar-era, many of the men immediately recognized the symbolism from their boy scout days. The pedophiles running the boy scout expeditions had indoctrinated the boys, espousing the virtues of the rise of the Aryan master-race, often over a campfire. For them, the rise of the Aryan was inevitable. Watching Hitler and Ernst Rohm violently rise to power confirmed only one thing - the Aryan master-race was emerging in Germany, just as they had been told decades ago in the Wandervoegel.”

    “The “Sieg Heil”, “mein Fuhrer”, swastika and SS lightning bolts were all symbols that were used back in the boy scout days. As boys, they were groomed to believe in the rise of an Ariosophic cult. When these symbols re-emerged with the Nazis, it was a call to arms. Many of these men rose to the occasion to fulfill the destiny of a new Aryan master-race. Many also understood that this cult was run by violent men who believed in the ancient Greek pederastic practice of “boy love”.

    Does any of this sound familiar to todays indoctrination?
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    • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 7 months ago
      When we look back at the rise of the Thule Society and the Nazi Party, we can observe a quasi-religion, a sick and twisted belief system centralized around pedophilia, and an authoritarian leadership structure. The real truth of the Thule Society is that it was a highly organized, secretive grooming campaign that began decades prior to the foundation of the Thule. We also see an organization that enjoyed doling out violence on an unimaginable scale to anyone who was not a member. Victims of their sado-masochistic sexual perversions were rounded up and placed into concentration camps, as a means of covering up their heinous crimes.

      Ulrichs, Hirschfeld, the Thule society, along with the Nazis, were all deeply influenced by the kultur of Prussia. Whether it was their theories, their militancy, or their homosexuality, everything originated from the state of Prussia.

      When the Nazis took control over Germany in 1934, they wasted no time in destroying all evidence of their criminal past. Their first raid was Hirschfeld’s Sex Institute, which held records of the gay victims of their sado-masochistic escapades during the 1920s and early 30s. Many of these victims had approached Dr. Hirschfeld to seek help. The first line of business for the Nazis was to confiscate all of Hirschfeld’s documents, revealing what they feared the most. From here, the Nazis rounded up all the gays who were potential witnesses to their child-sex crimes. These men were the first interns at the concentration camps. Finally, the Nazis recruited thousands of medical researchers to the camps where the prisoners were subjected to torture, dissection, and chemical experiments. From Will Zoll.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 7 months ago
    I'm going to vigorously disagree here. Why? Because the principles in the Pledge are solid. We pledge allegiance to the Republic as represented by that Flag - the original republic founded nearly 250 years ago which stood for truth and liberty and justice for all. It was formed by the protective hand of God. And it was formed with the intent of unifying everyone under those principles.

    That many of the people who now live in this nation and many who hold the reins of government have set aside those principles in search of power in no way denigrates the principles at the heart of this great nation despite my belief that this nation will be torn apart because of its apostasy from those foundational beliefs.

    I fly my flag proudly. Red for courage, white for purity, and blue for justice. Those ideals are axiomatic and don't exist because of people, but in spite of them.

    My support for this nation isn't support for tyrants, but against them. Notice that the tyrants don't fly the American flag in truth, but in mockery.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 1 year, 7 months ago
    While I am patriotic about the Constitution, I am no longer a patriot for America.

    Those whose values I personally disagree with, but formerly did not contend with because I used to have more of a libertarian conservative philosophy, are forcing their values down my throat. My reaction is, almost involuntary, to vomit. Almost everything I hear outside the Gulch is that A is not equal to A.

    It is time for vocal opposition.
    It is time to actively promote Galt's oath.
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  • Posted by fairbro 1 year, 7 months ago
    From the title, I mistakenly thought it was going to a rationale for not standing when they play the national anthem. (I go to a lot of basketball games). I don't like taking my hat off, and placing my hand over my heart when I think it is implicitly supporting this angry madman in the White House who seems bound and determined to escalate NATO's war on Russia to the point of Doomsday. We will see what this antagonistic psycho does at the NATO meeting in July. If we can make it to 2024, I think the planet will be okay,.
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  • Posted by $ Snezzy 1 year, 7 months ago
    There are some pieces of American History that are too good to be true. But some are good, some are true, and some are both. Most of our favorite stories about famous historical events are neatly complicated.

    Bellamy's Pledge and his salute. There's a lot that can be written, and the Pledge occupies a heroic spot in our hearts.

    God Bless America. I as an atheist cannot disagree with Rand's public pronouncement, "God Bless America!" at one of her Ford Hall Forum talks.

    Barbara Fritchie. "Shoot if you must this old, gray head." https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/a-... ... Read the article. Winston Churchill knew and recited the entire poem for FDR!

    Johnny Appleseed: John Chapman really existed. I used to live a mile from his birthplace, which is not far from Sterling, the town where Mary Sawyer lived.

    Mary Sawyer. Famously had a little lamb.
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    • Posted by Steven-Wells 1 year, 7 months ago
      I offer, "May America be blessed."
      That avoids the cognitive dissonance of the variants of, "Allah bless America."
      I don't believe in deities, but if you wanted to "covert" me, talk about demigods called "The Founding Fathers."
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 7 months ago
    Certainly. So we should write a better one.

    I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. To her founding fathers and their beliefs that the government shall serve We The People.

    I stand United, empowered and free. I vow to use that freedom to ensure our government is under control, does not overstep it's boundaries, and is severely punished for violating ANY of our Bill of Rights!

    We are One Nation, Under God, indivisible with integrity and the fabric of society woven by independent and free voices.

    We do NOT Consent to Globalists. To Pedophiles, to Satanists. We do NOT consent to those that would destroy or enslave us. We do NOT consent to government nudge units nor our government getting in bed with corporations to work around the constitution.

    We do not consent to Emergencies being reasons to remove ANY of our rights as free people.

    We do not consent to the unequal application of our laws against its citizens.

    And as our forefathers warned us... We will be always vigilant and prepared to replace our government with a fresher/cleaner version as we realize its rot may be systemic!

    ==> Open call to make it better...

    But I like the idea of having a pledge.
    Just not one that teaches us to whistle past the graveyard!
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    • Posted by 1 year, 7 months ago
      I pledge the government of the nation and all it's looting employees and con-men to be servants of the sovereign People of this continent.
      If any of them tells any one of us what to do, they are to be executed for treason.
      I do not pledge my allegiance to any power or to any flag.
      We are the sovereigns. We pledge to no one.
      We've seen where that gets us: enslaved.
      We don't have any royalty above the sovereign people.
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    • Posted by $ TomB666 1 year, 7 months ago
      I think you said everything that needs saying in your first line: "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. To her founding fathers and their beliefs that the government shall serve We The People."
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    • Posted by Steven-Wells 1 year, 7 months ago
      It begins conceptually with, "I swear fealty to a piece of cloth."
      Is that really necessary.?!
      And under which national god? Am I required to believe in gods?
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      • Posted by 1 year, 7 months ago
        Exactly. I swear fealty to no one because the republican form (not the party) of government says that We, the People, moral
        men, even acknowledging our faults, are the sovereigns and no man or creation of man is above us.
        The federal government, as currently in practice, is an abomination to the American spirit of individual liberty and free markets.
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 7 months ago
        I think our forefathers were clear enough.
        Our system of government was not for the godless.
        you pick your god...
        But if you want to believe that you have achieved perfection, and have no ideal above you, that you strive for, despite probably knowing that you will fail to attain that level of perfection...

        Then I would argue any society based on that is already doomed. Because it's the arrogance that comes along for the ride that creates the insufferable leaders.

        I would ask you if your disdain for religion comes from you alone... Or was it one of the many gifts of your education here? (Because mine was CLEARLY given to me at school, and supported by our media, and continuous nudging and attacks by the same people with many agendas. Even though I thought I came to it on my own...)
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        • Posted by Steven-Wells 1 year, 7 months ago
          Your last sentence makes it unclear whether you were quoting something that someone had written as lickspittle toadying for gods or expressing disdain for religion. It’s clear which side of that fence I’m on. So, there’s no point in anyone tossing religions at me as though I were a credulous child in a Sunday school awaiting propaganda.

          Here’s something clear enough from a founding forefather, Thomas Jefferson.
          “The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.”
          Quite a contradiction of, “Our system of government was not for the godless.”

          Over many dozens of millennia, humans, especially primitive ones, had invented thousands of one-true-gods and multi-god clusters to explain the phenomena of nature.
          Why does the sun rise? In the long and short of it respectively, it’s because of Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, the Aztec Lord of the Dawn, and Ra of ancient Egypt.
          Why do volcanoes spit out lava? It’s Pele forcing Kilauea to make more Hawaiian beachfront. In Italy, Vulcan makes Vesuvius belch from all the garlic. (Add starship reference here? Some other time.)
          Why do wagon wheels turn backwards in old movies? It’s because of the Greek Gemini, Caster and Camber, the twin gods of Wheel Alignment. (You maybe were expecting Castor and Pollux?)

          In the East, a polytheistic bunch offer Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, and Shiva the Destroyer. For no extra charge, you also get the Remover of Obstacles, that cheery Ganesha with the elephant head.

          In the West, a popular threesome somehow presents as monotheism, offering a Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, which sounded in a Beat Generation like Daddy-O, Laddy-O, and the Big Spook.

          Strongly worded disdain for religion to follow.
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    • Posted by lrshultis 1 year, 7 months ago
      Then we would be no closer to a nation of patriots. The Oath was an attempt to increase patriotism and like all socialist tripe furthers the citizens from being patriotic. The idea that patriotism can be taught by oaths and flag waving and millions of disposable flags is a nonsense trying to collectivize individuals. A patriot finds the country worthy of praise and support that now is quickly eroding. When anything, including oaths, flags, money and credit etc.is inflated, the result ends in today's America of escapism from social order. The same group of socialists thought that every school room should have a flag to make children patriotic. The USA needed no means to instill patriotism for a hundred years before the Oath. Oaths were thought useful for political leaders but that has not and cannot insure honesty in government or where else they are required, being only an excuse for punishment.
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 7 months ago
        There is a certain amount of brain washing required, to be honest. Otherwise we are caught herding cats.

        We are to remind everyone whose side we are on. Other countries are not ours. Other view points, while they may be valid, are not ours.

        We draw the line here. We agree to those lines. And around those lines we unite.

        This is very much like a Family Code of Honor.
        It just applies to a bigger family.

        Growing up, I believed in the Pledge. At our Tea Party Meetings, we still do the pledge. Because it unites us. Despite the fact that it has all been corrupted.

        But to each their own. Unfortunately, that is also how/why Conservatives keep losing. We do NOT apply effective strategies, we do not draw dark lines, and make things clear. And we allow our enemies to paint us into a corner, and to label us.
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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 1 year, 7 months ago
    I've been saying it for far too long to stop now.

    I'll even swear an oath of honesty, on The Bible, even though I'm not a Christian.

    Just the same, a patriot I'll remain.
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