ExxonMobil: New Fracking Technology Can Double Oil Output
Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 7 months ago to Technology
"“There’s just a lot of oil being left in the ground. Fracking’s been around for a really long time, but the science of fracking is not well understood,” Exxon Chief Executive Officer Darren Woods said Thursday at the Bernstein Strategic Decisions conference. Woods has revealed that Exxon is currently working on two specific areas to improve fracking. First off, the company is trying to frack more precisely along the well so that more oil-soaked rock gets drained. It’s also looking for ways to keep the fracked cracks open longer so as to boost the flow of oil.
Shale Refracs
Luckily, the U.S. Shale Patch won’t have to wait for Exxon to perfect its new fracking technologies. There's already a proven technology for oil producers to return to existing wells and give them a second, high-pressure blast to increase output for a fraction of the cost of finishing a new well: shale well refracturing.
Refracturing is an operation designed to restimulate a well after an initial period of production, and can restore well productivity to near original or even higher rates of production as well as extend the productive life of a well. Re-fracking can be something of a booster shot for producers--a quick increase in output for a fraction of the cost of developing a new well."
Is that you, Ellis Wyatt?
"“There’s just a lot of oil being left in the ground. Fracking’s been around for a really long time, but the science of fracking is not well understood,” Exxon Chief Executive Officer Darren Woods said Thursday at the Bernstein Strategic Decisions conference. Woods has revealed that Exxon is currently working on two specific areas to improve fracking. First off, the company is trying to frack more precisely along the well so that more oil-soaked rock gets drained. It’s also looking for ways to keep the fracked cracks open longer so as to boost the flow of oil.
Shale Refracs
Luckily, the U.S. Shale Patch won’t have to wait for Exxon to perfect its new fracking technologies. There's already a proven technology for oil producers to return to existing wells and give them a second, high-pressure blast to increase output for a fraction of the cost of finishing a new well: shale well refracturing.
Refracturing is an operation designed to restimulate a well after an initial period of production, and can restore well productivity to near original or even higher rates of production as well as extend the productive life of a well. Re-fracking can be something of a booster shot for producers--a quick increase in output for a fraction of the cost of developing a new well."
Is that you, Ellis Wyatt?
Atlas Shrugged was supposed to be a warning, Not A Newspaper!
peat is created by a different process and may lead to the creation of some types of near surface coals
For others who want to read it, The Deep Hot Biosphere is available for download here:
He predicted that at our current rate of climate change, by the end of this century, Minnesota will have the climate that is current in Iowa.
Lithium ion batteries are an example of an unstable system. Heating them beyond a certain temperature causes additional heat to be generated and the whole thing catches fire and probably explodes. The earth is NOT that way.
Especially when talking about free markets and how little government is worth.
The fallacy of collectivism.
CO2 is a necessary element for all life on earth. The earth is self regulating.
Just as an example of how stupid, stupid can get: At one time, our Left-Wing-Nutjobs wanted to classify water vapor as a dangerous greenhouse gas and pollutant that must be regulated and eventually banned and eliminated. No lie, that was a real push to make that happen in Congress.
If our owners don't want you to have freedom to travel, heat your homes, cook, bathe, eat... then you will continue to live as the economic slaves you already are.
Know who your real masters are. Hint: they're not in Washington D.C.
Yup know your real enemy. Will Zoll’ s incredible work will tell you who it is. https://substack.com/@prussiagate
Another key benefit: re-fracs do not require additional state permits or new negotiations with landowners. They are also less disruptive to the environment because well sites already have road access.
"Considering inflation, supply chain issues, and rising wages, now is a great time for operators to start looking at wells for re-frac opportunities,"