Motivation is important and it may be a contributing factor in scores on tests determining IQ. So is the ability to take tests under pressure. The guy who was 'favored' by most to get the highest SAT score in our class failed to perform when needed. He performed well every day in classes, but not when it was crucial. He became a successful eye surgeon and performed that task under pressure very well for 40 years. In my experience, the people who excel in math have the highest IQ's. They might also be the most motivated, but it's only one factor.
All of that may be true, but I don't think its very helpful without an understanding of the concept of motivation. People who excel in math are able conceptualize, meaning integrate concepts into wider abstractions. The point of this short video is that can be learned. Regardless, motivation is a vague term and should be defined. To me, it comes from pride, which comes from productiveness, which comes from integrity, which comes from honesty, which comes from justice. However, these are not linear relationships, they are codependent virtues in a complex system known as an active and rational mind.
The science here is psychology, and you're right, she is on a very good path toward understanding the human mind. Unfortunately, it is the least developed of the sciences, and therefore easily confounded. The progressives have confused science for political ends, but the evangelical right is worse. Regardless, the scientific method died in the West with the fall of Rome, if it had existed since Aristotle, and didn't become concrete until the Enlightenment.
Two things. 1) There is a difference between the physical brain, it's functioning, it's learned or genetically derived temptations and the Mind.
2) Not many have that connection to the mind or capacity to have one, perhaps 40/50% of the worlds population do. Some may be aware of their connection to the mind (an undetermined percentage), but most are not; however, that IS where, "Grit" or determination comes as a results.
Those not aware of their mind but still having that "grit"/determination might very well be that middle group between, nonconscious (bicameral) and the fully conscious human beings that Julian Jaynes alluded to.
Great points, but I think #2 is a little off. Everyone is connected to their conscious mind to some degree and has the capacity to be fully connected. It is volitional consciousness, or free will, and some level is necessary to go shopping and make basic decisions, such as avoiding Drano for breakfast. There are several levels of mental focus and each successive one takes more courage. That is the greatest lesson of this video. However, most people rely on automated responses to guide their behavior, and many of those habits are less than rational. That is where the disconnect comes in.
A few years ago, continuing the work of Julian Jaynes, it was found and supported that 60% of the population had No introspective ability...whether this % of the population could somehow gain that ability is another story. What that means is that the 2 hemispheres of their brain do not work together. Similar to our old testament ancestors where the voice in their head was considered to be their rulers, ancestors or their gods. They simply were not aware of their own awareness. Jaynes calls then Bicamerals. (Marcel Knutson, (sp] of the Julian Jaynes society and others did that research) We can observe many in global governments, NGO's and various characters are NOT introspective, (Not conscious and No conscience). We could call them: Hubristic Psychopaths.
biden, sorass, piglocy, gates...etc, etc...are NOT conscious beings.
I know we differ on this but it is important to note that the "brain" cannot judge itself, look at itself, reflect upon itself or affect change on, self or behavior. That act and even the desire to do so, must be happening somewhere other than the physical brain, no mystical acts here, just a reasonable observation. I have that 30K foot high view of self... Just the physical idea of such a view, "Looking Down at yourself " just bleeds humility; having that small view of one's self. All of these acts, thoughts and desires spell Consciousness and not just unaware survival acts and behaviors.
Sorry my cat the interrupted attention away from 'me', the mind in this body, causing a physical jerk clicking reply accidentally. The 'you' is the mind and needs no mystical connection to some kind of non existing something. Take responsibility for what one has wrought making oneself.
I don't think the "Sub-Conscious" is mystical nor's physical and will likely be recognized as the pathway from the physical brain and the unseen Mind. (my prediction)
Seems the unspoken direction the thinking is heading is that the, "Mind" is the results of the cooperation between the left and right sides of the brain Producing a near full time unison between the two in Consciously introspective human beings. Might we call that Uni-Cameral...just a musing thought.
I'm on the fence here, observing of myself that full time integration is next to impossible, way too many distractions, especially these days.
PS...our animal friends demand a lot of attention and for most, it is well deserved I think. We have chosen to be their keepers,..have we not?
The brain is bicameral, two hemispheres operating connected through neurons. Cut those connections and get a bicameral brain with two consciousnesses depending on which is referenced as to function. Send input to right side and get consciousness from activity from that side which is different than from the other side.The connections between hemispheres makes it into a single brain with a mixed consciousness which can be considered as a mind.
As I age (83) the connections between hemispheres seem to change so that conscious (trying to) recall becomes weaker, though memories still are there as observed when not trying to remember.
I am trying something which I never did while young, to play piano. Since I never have been able carry a tune or remember words in a song, I am learning to read music and play scales and chords. Not going well. I hope what is called muscle memory, more likely reflex in spinal ganglia, which conscious observation approves or corrects. Not time enough for brain to direct intricate fingering.
Laughing, I always say that I spend most of my time in the mind and not paying attention to what my brain and my body were doing in the meme tyme.
Most of the strange species we find in the worlds governments only use, and not very well, only 1 of the two halves of their brain. Some, the left physical side but most use the emotional side and both not really aware of their own awareness and have no conscience, yet, possess the ability to fake being introspective, big time because their lives depend on it.
You are correct. The subconscious is an automated response mechanism that is programmed by the rational or irrational ideas of the conscious mind. I think the spiritual is the integration of abstract ideas and emotional responses.
This is why your goal with children is to ENGAGE them in the learning process... To let them pick the topics, and to get them ASKING how they can find more information... Between that, and forgetting that repetition is the mother of all skill development. And failing to separate the AGE of the person from their ability in any given subject. We broke the process... Then we let woke teachers in. Kicked the male teachers out of grade schools.
Yes, the Montessori method, when it is not poisoned by multiculturalism. Good education must be about concept formation, the tools of logic, the integration of history, economics, math, sciences, and great literature. The Prussian model and its siloed courses and 'periods' were adopted by public schools and America is now cashing in on that insanity.
The worst aspect IMHO is that it infers that "others" have studied and know more, so you don't have to do your homework/check their facts... Because you are not "specialized" enough to be "qualified" to do it.
This is why the average persons accepts CO2 as causing warming (Specifically, excess warming). Despite showing that CO2 Levels were MULTIPLES Higher during Ice Ages.
We are sheeple.
And finished RFK Jr's book. The Elite/Powerful are good at plundering.
Yes, and Nassim Taleb calls it Intellectualism. The hubris of credentialed elites to pose as experts while ignoring the law of causality. For the passive minds that accept their dogma, it sounds good and heck, all that matters are good intentions.
I think the difference is worth understanding. To me, grit is a character trait required for persistent behavior. Persistence may be goal oriented and involve choices of what to pursue. Grit is the tool.
Grit involves a link to self responsibility, which our more liberal teachers want to wipe out. I tutored at our child's school, they had one method for learning letters, draw in sand. Well one little boy was nto getting it, but he loved NASCAR, so I put letters on the cars I drew, and he got it. Adm. did not like my altrnate approach and I said the hell with the school. Our daughter was a bulldog on learning anything and everything, if you expanded it, she went there. Her IQ is top 1!, but in boring teacher classes, she checked out.I was self driven, regardless, for my own self, from little, thanks to a dad who made it personal for me. On the other hand, our schools had a speacker paid to come and tell them theri medicore performance was becasue "poor kids can't learn." Bull, a tiny black woman took over a school in Cicago in the 80s, made performancea personal goal and got the worst school the best test sores over high class schools in town. She knew how to motivate them and they cared.
I have often said that there are a passel of genetic characteristics that an individual inherits at the spark of conception... IQ, Initiative, Ambition, Grit, Vision, Temperament . . . The die is cast, the hand is dealt, the cake is baked. The good news -- Grit is super important in terms of predicting "success." The bad news -- Grit, like other characteristics, is baked into the cake. I believe that Hopium is the fourth most abundant element in the universe ... hydrogen, helium, credulity, hopium. I do not believe that Marines are created or made ... rather, the military's job is to cull out the chaff and work with the residuary. Life in Two Parts: 1. You get dealt a hand. 2. Play it. In the middle is the heavy lifting -- figuring out your cards. The sooner that you can figure out where you stand in terms of these characteristics, the sooner you can get on with your life. Lead with your strengths, place 'orange cones' around your weaknesses. Cultivate mutually beneficial relationships with individuals that can fill in the gaps. Periodically examine your cards -- some genetic attributes manifest later than others. Target and achieve 'wins' no matter how small. Keep moving forward.
Considering it's only six minutes, I think this speaker and the book she cites are worthy of more study. Having said that, I think something more fundamental is missing: concept formation.
Agreed. Ayn Rand praised some Asian countries (Japan and Korea, I believe) for teaching in concepts as opposed to the American system of teaching in facts and dates. It’s the difference between thinking in patterns and thinking in snapshots. Concept formation followed by Concept integration.
Learning is as much mindset as ability. You have to decide you want to improve and learn. Much of that depends on being humble enough to understand you don't know nearly as much as you think. The other part is in internalizing - really comprehending - that your success likely depends on you.
Science can never build grit, IMHO. Grit comes from looking forward to what comes next - not what is now. That means having a vision for the future to work toward - and then doing it. Most importantly, it means never giving up.
So is the ability to take tests under pressure.
The guy who was 'favored' by most to get the highest SAT score
in our class failed to perform when needed. He performed well
every day in classes, but not when it was crucial.
He became a successful eye surgeon and performed that task under pressure
very well for 40 years.
In my experience, the people who excel in math have the highest IQ's.
They might also be the most motivated, but it's only one factor.
Yes, over the years, decades, centuries and millennia, EVERYTHING has been confounded, especially, the scientific method.
2) Not many have that connection to the mind or capacity to have one, perhaps 40/50% of the worlds population do. Some may be aware of their connection to the mind (an undetermined percentage), but most are not; however, that IS where, "Grit" or determination comes as a results.
Those not aware of their mind but still having that "grit"/determination might very well be that middle group between, nonconscious (bicameral) and the fully conscious human beings that Julian Jaynes alluded to.
We can observe many in global governments, NGO's and various characters are NOT introspective, (Not conscious and No conscience). We could call them: Hubristic Psychopaths.
biden, sorass, piglocy, gates...etc, etc...are NOT conscious beings.
Is that what was considered introspection by Julian Jaynes?
Seems like a waste of ones life.
Just the physical idea of such a view, "Looking Down at yourself " just bleeds humility; having that small view of one's self.
All of these acts, thoughts and desires spell Consciousness and not just unaware survival acts and behaviors.
The 'you' is the mind and needs no mystical connection to some kind of non existing something. Take responsibility for what one has wrought making oneself.
Seems the unspoken direction the thinking is heading is that the, "Mind" is the results of the cooperation between the left and right sides of the brain Producing a near full time unison between the two in Consciously introspective human beings.
Might we call that Uni-Cameral...just a musing thought.
I'm on the fence here, observing of myself that full time integration is next to impossible, way too many distractions, especially these days.
PS...our animal friends demand a lot of attention and for most, it is well deserved I think. We have chosen to be their keepers,..have we not?
As I age (83) the connections between hemispheres seem to change so that conscious (trying to) recall becomes weaker, though memories still are there as observed when not trying to remember.
I am trying something which I never did while young, to play piano. Since I never have been able carry a tune or remember words in a song, I am learning to read music and play scales and chords. Not going well. I hope what is called muscle memory, more likely reflex in spinal ganglia, which conscious observation approves or corrects. Not time enough for brain to direct intricate fingering.
Most of the strange species we find in the worlds governments only use, and not very well, only 1 of the two halves of their brain. Some, the left physical side but most use the emotional side and both not really aware of their own awareness and have no conscience, yet, possess the ability to fake being introspective, big time because their lives depend on it.
Between that, and forgetting that repetition is the mother of all skill development.
And failing to separate the AGE of the person from their ability in any given subject.
We broke the process...
Then we let woke teachers in.
Kicked the male teachers out of grade schools.
This is why the average persons accepts CO2 as causing warming (Specifically, excess warming).
Despite showing that CO2 Levels were MULTIPLES Higher during Ice Ages.
We are sheeple.
And finished RFK Jr's book. The Elite/Powerful are good at plundering.
IQ, Initiative, Ambition, Grit, Vision, Temperament . . .
The die is cast, the hand is dealt, the cake is baked.
The good news -- Grit is super important in terms of predicting "success."
The bad news -- Grit, like other characteristics, is baked into the cake.
I believe that Hopium is the fourth most abundant element in the universe ... hydrogen, helium, credulity, hopium.
I do not believe that Marines are created or made ... rather, the military's job is to cull out the chaff and work with the residuary.
Life in Two Parts: 1. You get dealt a hand. 2. Play it.
In the middle is the heavy lifting -- figuring out your cards. The sooner that you can figure out where you stand in terms of these characteristics, the sooner you can get on with your life. Lead with your strengths, place 'orange cones' around your weaknesses. Cultivate mutually beneficial relationships with individuals that can fill in the gaps. Periodically examine your cards -- some genetic attributes manifest later than others. Target and achieve 'wins' no matter how small. Keep moving forward.
1) The student’s innate curiosity which triggers their minds to ask questions and potentially leads to them becoming life-long learners and achievers.
2) The cultural effects of education (home and formal) if the student is challenged, encouraged, and praised.
Neither seems to be objectively measurable, at least to-date.
Science can never build grit, IMHO. Grit comes from looking forward to what comes next - not what is now. That means having a vision for the future to work toward - and then doing it. Most importantly, it means never giving up.