Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 10 months ago to Science
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We have seen similar events in recent years. For example, in February of 2022 40 Starlink satellites were lost due to an unexpected impact of a minor
solar storm, one that would never be expected to have any impact on satellite function at all. These events, where considerable impacts to the earth’s
uppermost layers occurred beyond what would be expected, are exactly what one might expect if earth’s magnetic field was in trouble.
Indeed, earth’s magnetic field is weakening and the magnetic poles are shifting, leaving earth profoundly more vulnerable to energy from space.
Another example is the repeated observation that earth’s ionosphere, a charged particle layer sitting at the top of the atmosphere, is showing
sustained disruption compared to decades ago, which should not be the case since the sun is decreasing its activity. However, with a weaker
magnetic field, lesser solar activity would be able to produce similar impacts to historically stronger activity when the magnetic field of earth was
Now, we have evidence that it is not just sustained, but is increasing in severity, sometimes even without any space weather impact at all- like in April
of 2022. The implications of these events are profound.
This photo (top right) of the Florida sky by Bill Williams was submitted to after a solar storm that occurred in late March 2023, and
it tells an even scarier version of the same story. Red aurora were last seen in Florida in 2003, during tremendous solar storm activity, and before that,
1989 during the great Quebec Blackout solar storm.
This is an extremely rare event, and it requires the grandest of solar storm activity - a once every few decades event. At least that used to be the case.
The solar storm of late March 2023 was not anything spectacular. The solar wind was modestly enhanced, and while the magnetic field disruption was
significant, it was not so significant that we should be seeing red auroras as far south as Florida.
This simply should never happen. Imagine if a magnitude 4 earthquake had the impact like what happened in Japan in 2011 (magnitude 9), or if a light
summer breeze was taking out buildings like an F5 tornado. Imagine if baseball players started hitting home runs into outer space, or if
kindergarteners started powerlifting at olympic levels. These scenarios sound silly, because we instinctively know it’s not possible. It would only be
possible if something had fundamentally changed about the process of earthquakes, wind, baseballs or child development. In the case of these solar
impacts, something HAS fundamentally changed- the earth’s weakening magnetic field is allowing the more-vulnerable earth to sustain greater
and greater impacts from lesser and lesser solar activity.
One day, whether it is a big solar event or the continued weakening of earth’s magnetic field, one of these space weather events is going to be
catastrophic to our way of life, to the atmospheric dynamics, and the biosphere. It is only a matter of time.
On April 15th, 2022, something very unexpected
happened with earth’s magnetic field. The solar activity
was relatively calm, the solar wind was calm as well,
but things were not calm in the planetary magnetic
shield. A severe disturbance was detected and there
was absolutely no explanation for why it happened.
The magnetometer station at Kiruna, which has
operated for many years, detected a severe deviation
from normal activity, and at the same time, the
riometers detected significant electron enhancement
in the atmosphere. This event registered at 40% of the
power of the strongest solar storm ever recorded at
Kiruna, but alas, there was no solar storm.

"Mysterious geomagnetic response to minor solar wind disturbance: Observations"

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