Debt Ceiling Brinksmanship & The Necessity For Spending Reforms
Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 8 months ago to Politics
"Testimony by: Adam Andrzejewski
CEO & founder,
United States Senate Committee On Small Business & Entrepreneurship
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
NOTE: The United States Senate Committee On Small Business & Entrepreneurship hearing was canceled. However, our prepared remarks are published here to educate the American people and inform the debate.
Mr. Chairman. Madame Ranking Member. Distinguished Committee Members & Guests.
Transparency is transformational. It revolutionizes public policy. We are a non-partisan, non-profit organization. Last year, we filed 55,000 FOIA requests. We successfully captured $8 trillion – nearly every dime spent by Federal, State and local governments.
We do this so the American people can follow the money and root out waste, fraud, corruption and taxpayer abuse. Here’s why that effort is important:
In 1997, my brother and I started a publishing business from scratch. Over 10 years it grew into a $20M company with 150 employees. However, in year three, we hit $1 million in sales – and ran out of cash. But for another dime's worth of extra taxes, regulations, and fees, we would have gone out of business.
Twenty-three years later that company employs over 300 people across 23 states.
When you hike taxes or increase red tape, you crush small businesses – and the American Dream.
All of us know the U.S. cannot default. So, The Big Question today is whether the debt ceiling will be raised – without instituting Meaningful Spending Reforms.
Giving Congress another blank check would be yet another mistake."
"Testimony by: Adam Andrzejewski
CEO & founder,
United States Senate Committee On Small Business & Entrepreneurship
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
NOTE: The United States Senate Committee On Small Business & Entrepreneurship hearing was canceled. However, our prepared remarks are published here to educate the American people and inform the debate.
Mr. Chairman. Madame Ranking Member. Distinguished Committee Members & Guests.
Transparency is transformational. It revolutionizes public policy. We are a non-partisan, non-profit organization. Last year, we filed 55,000 FOIA requests. We successfully captured $8 trillion – nearly every dime spent by Federal, State and local governments.
We do this so the American people can follow the money and root out waste, fraud, corruption and taxpayer abuse. Here’s why that effort is important:
In 1997, my brother and I started a publishing business from scratch. Over 10 years it grew into a $20M company with 150 employees. However, in year three, we hit $1 million in sales – and ran out of cash. But for another dime's worth of extra taxes, regulations, and fees, we would have gone out of business.
Twenty-three years later that company employs over 300 people across 23 states.
When you hike taxes or increase red tape, you crush small businesses – and the American Dream.
All of us know the U.S. cannot default. So, The Big Question today is whether the debt ceiling will be raised – without instituting Meaningful Spending Reforms.
Giving Congress another blank check would be yet another mistake."
Which is beginning to happen. (BRICS) As the old saying goes....gradually at first.....then all at once.
T-minus 6y 8m. Get out of the cities. Invest in REAL things. If there’s a lot of paper between you and the THINGS they aren’t real. If you can’t lay your hands on it in 15mins it’s not really yours.
Get 150 miles away from any city with more than 100k (that’s the average range of a vehicle with half a tank of gas which is all most people have at any given moment)
People Cause Problems (PCP)
Less people=Less problems
It’s not complicated.
Gulch Up!
over half of banks are insolvent
200+ trillion in unfunded national debt
prepare for the worse, for it is coming
and by worse, think Siege of Leningrad