Eff the Critics!

Posted by richkinley 10 years, 6 months ago to Movies
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I'm going to see the movie tomorrow. Couldn't go due to work (new job) and HS football (my son's middle school band joined in the festivities tonight) and we do live in the hotbed of HS football (North Texas).

After spending 30 minutes on the Internet trying to find a professionally rendered review of AS3, I am highly agitated. Not only did I run out of a favored Mosel Auslese, not one review had a clue what AS was about. Hell, one guy based his review on the trailer and a few YouTube clips!

Well, I don't give a hoot about reviews, because I'm now channeling Henry Rearden in his meeting with Dr. Potter: Atlas Shrugged is good!

In fact, it's damn good! If anything, my expectations are sky high, based on the trailer I saw a few weeks ago.

You'll find me at the Grapevine 17 tomorrow, with my "Atlas Shrugged, Now Non-fiction" t-shirt. I wore that shirt to my favorite winery a few weeks back, where I received several favorable comments, and a glare or two.

I knew the reviews were going to be lousy, which should be considered a badge of honor.

Ok, rant off...a nice bottle of Cava is calling my name...lol.

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  • Posted by 10 years, 6 months ago
    Ok gang, I saw it twice today, just got home. First thing I did was to open my last minibottle of Cava to toast Ayn Rand, John, Harmon, and of course, John Galt.

    My expectations were sky high, as I had seen the trailers and video. Biased as I may seem, my expectations were exceeded. Sure, I would've like to have seen Project X, and a white turtleneck on Dagny when John was rescued.

    The movie stayed true to the novel with minor cases of artistic license. The message was delivered, in spades.

    Actually, seeing the movie will act as a springboard to my post-retirement world in two years. I am working on a website that will offer reviews of wineries that I visit. I don't know if I'll ever make a dime off of it, but it's a passion that has been building for the past year.

    It will have "unique" recommendations, such as wineries that are "family friendly", or wines "perfect for when the in-laws come over", or "wines to impress a new girlfriend."

    My first review will be of "Akston Vineyards":.
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