The "Merchant of Death" sends Trump a Warning
Posted by katrinam41 1 year, 10 months ago to Politics
Donald Trump received a telegram. Is it just more mind twisting, using our own fears to put a further stain on the Donald? Because it has enough truth to make it believable, my initial theory is that Putin does not want Trump in the Presidency, so having such an offer come from the very scum whose release Trump opposed will carry a heavier weight with sheeple.
My theory with much evidence is , this WW3 is the sovereign leaders vs the Globalists.
no sane person wants a nuclear war
things were better under Trump
so this is a false flag
Trump has known that since before he was elected in 2016 and all the fraudulent actions against him since then are just more evidence.
The rest would believe anything the media told them anyway. They were never going to wake up until starving in a prison camp. Likewise 99% of them won't do anything against the rest of us.
Nothing to fear. If Trump is going to do anything, this won't pose any impediment. In fact, for many this will be another sign that the battle for freedom can still be won.