The Vax-Gene Files: An Accidental Discovery - DNA Found in mRNA Vaccines in Amounts 1000 Times Greater Than Allowed
Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 8 months ago to Science
"The story begins with Kevin McKernan, a scientist with 25 years experience in the genomic field and a leading expert in sequencing methods for DNA and RNA. He has worked on the Human Genome Project and more recently in medicinal genomics involving DNA sequencing.
In the process of trying to sort out a sequencing problem, McKernan used anonymously sent, Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 bivalent vaccines to act as mRNA controls.
‘Somebody sent me these thinking, this is the perfect control… It should be pure. So, if you get this to work, you’ll sort out your mRNA sequencing problems,’ McKernan explains in a recent interview. ‘They were right about that. It did sort out our problems. But what we discovered in the process is that they weren’t pure mRNA. They actually had a lot of DNA in the background.’
McKernan was shocked, ‘It’s not what we were looking for… I had this hunch that the new modified nucleotides they have in the mRNA may have a higher error rate, and therefore we would see more mistakes in the mRNA. So, I knew we would have to sequence like a millionfold deep… over and over again to find these mistakes. When we did that DNA popped up and I thought “Oh, that’s a bigger problem. We have to focus on that.” … I kind of went into panic mode, realizing that I didn’t budget any time to look into this, and the world has to know about it.’"
Please read the entire article for why this may cause unsafe Changes To Human DNA.
"The story begins with Kevin McKernan, a scientist with 25 years experience in the genomic field and a leading expert in sequencing methods for DNA and RNA. He has worked on the Human Genome Project and more recently in medicinal genomics involving DNA sequencing.
In the process of trying to sort out a sequencing problem, McKernan used anonymously sent, Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 bivalent vaccines to act as mRNA controls.
‘Somebody sent me these thinking, this is the perfect control… It should be pure. So, if you get this to work, you’ll sort out your mRNA sequencing problems,’ McKernan explains in a recent interview. ‘They were right about that. It did sort out our problems. But what we discovered in the process is that they weren’t pure mRNA. They actually had a lot of DNA in the background.’
McKernan was shocked, ‘It’s not what we were looking for… I had this hunch that the new modified nucleotides they have in the mRNA may have a higher error rate, and therefore we would see more mistakes in the mRNA. So, I knew we would have to sequence like a millionfold deep… over and over again to find these mistakes. When we did that DNA popped up and I thought “Oh, that’s a bigger problem. We have to focus on that.” … I kind of went into panic mode, realizing that I didn’t budget any time to look into this, and the world has to know about it.’"
Please read the entire article for why this may cause unsafe Changes To Human DNA.
Working as a civilian contractor for the DoD for 35 years, we have unfiltered access to data. While I worked in what is termed: defensive-only projects, it did not stop me from accessing data on bio-weapon development. We did develop portable detection equipment for the troops. But I digress, the weaponization of SARS-Cov-2 began (as much as I could ascertain) in 2004, at UNC Chapel Hill in concert with Fort Detrick MD. Gain of Function (GoF) was the goal. In the end a witches brew of HIV, H1N1 and SARS viruses was the end product. We know this program was complete by 2015 because Barack Obama (no less) banned any further NIH funding of GoF in this country because of the inevitable risk of escaping compounds. Unfazed, Tony Fauci moved the program to Wuhan, using NIH funds no less! The rest is history. Was the release intentional? Well, lets put it this way, the first cases coincided with a mock virus outbreak exercise called "Event 201". I could mention another mock exercise that became all too real, but let that go.
The second major red flag was the hype and terror and panic about the "uncertainties" - and the resulting diktats. Remember at first you had to sanitize every surface someone touched and they erected plastic shields around everything. Hand sanitizer became mandatory even though my kids' hands were cracked and bleeding from the stuff. Then they went full lockdown trying to "contain" the spread even though all that did was cause it to spread even more. Then they said people had to stay inside and locked down the beaches - when being outside in the sun and surf is a major disinfectant!
At this point, I had more than any reasonable amount of evidence that everything was contrived. I was lucky that my wife felt the same way, but my family had taken the bait: hook, line and sinker. Even the ridiculousness of masks (we've known for 100 years they don't work to stop a virus) and the persecution of viable alternatives with a proven, safe track record (ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine) were pilloried - along with the doctors who proscribed them. (That persecution hasn't let up.)
Now we have positive proof in admissions by both Deborah Birx and Anthony Fauci that everything was contrived. We have evidence that the "vaccines" are far more harmful than helpful.
But that's the point. This "vaccine" was a treatment not to eliminate a virus, but to eliminate the true plague upon this planet: human beings - according to the global elitists. But the "vaccine" has proven far less effective than they had hoped, which is why they are ginning up panic about the "next, more dangerous" plague.
To me, the plague currently inhabiting this planet is the elitists: those people who want to try to control and manage the entire human race. They are a scourge on reason and human rights.
Dr. Shiva has 4 engineering degrees from MIT
and he invented email. He is running as an independent.
Voting as practiced by the fedgov is a con to keep the slaves from revolt.
Any attempt at a fair count is not possible with drop boxes and electronic counting.
Vote with your budget. Don't do business with the enemy.
Disney, Anheuser-Busch, Amazon, Morgan-Chase, Microsoft, Google, Target, Wal-Mart, Kroger, Apple are the enemy.
Cut them off.
Buy local. Start a garden to cut your food purchases.
Fight for your freedom and don't do business with the companies who support your enemy in DC.
Go on strike as a consumer.
I am only just starting and the ineptitude, the outright lies to the public and the incestuous relationship between Saint Fauci and big pharma is enough to turn my stomach. I always knew that the vax was neither safe NOR effective as anything other than poison and I can not say how relieved I am to still be a pure blood.
As a side note, I am seeing on the news today that Jamie Foxx had a clot shot brain blood clot and is or at least was partially paralyzed and blind. Can not confirm, and his family is saying that he is getting better and playing Pickleball. Sure have not seen any proof of either side on this one.
It is pure, intentional genocide.
The medical system is designed to serve only corrupt corporations and corrupt government.
"Treatments" are rarely if ever what is best for the patient in the long term.
"Treatments" are designed to get people back to work as quickly as possible with
very little regard to their long term health.
Successful "treatment" is defined often by a "positive response" to the treatment.
Often that response lasts a few months and then the patient dies of the affliction
or of the side effects of the "treatment."
$%^& doctors.
$%^& hospitals.
Lying, looting, genocidal scum.
We are at War been saying it for better part of a decade