Anti-Meat Propaganda Roundup: Drinking Milk Is Racist

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 5 months ago to Politics
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"As I have previously documented at The Daily Bell, one of the major ongoing projects of the technocrat globalists at the WEF is to force the peasants to swap meat for mealworms, ostensibly for the sake of combatting “climate change.”

Enriching Bill Gates, angel investor in synthetic “lab-grown meat” product Impossible Burger, is an ancillary benefit. (Gates has invested $75 million in the vegan lab meat industry.)

The likes of Bill Gates, the corporate media would have us believe, are sent from heaven to correct our abhorrent behavior.

To sell the mealworms to the public, the overlords saturate the corporate media with vegan propaganda. Their campaigns rely alternately on appeals to morality or health, depending on which tact suits them at the time."
SOURCE URL: https://www.thedailybell.com/all-articles/news-analysis/anti-meat-propaganda-roundup-cnn-promotes-insect-diets-for-pets-drinking-milk-is-unsettling-and-racist/

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