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  • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 11 months ago
    As I have said before, raising interest rates is not the only way to restrict new credit,
    but it is the way that banks can increase profits while screwing everyone else.
    That is why the fed does it this way. Thieving scum that they are.
    The losses in assets described in the article would not occur if they didn't raise interest rates.
    Raising rates causes the crises that the fed wants and that causes small businesses and
    smaller banks to fail, which transfers assets to big banks even faster because the big
    banks will never be allowed to fail. They own the fed and will always be bailed out by
    stealing from honest people.
    Repeal the federal reserve act and the income tax.
    Screw the banksters.
    DC. NIFO
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  • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 11 months ago
    FED in Banking lingo,that is foreign exchange dept.
    It is the largest market in the world . It is mainly used by banks to speculate on exchange rates.
    With Rothschilds help , this market is where George Soros slammed the pound and any other country’s currency , that the western leaders eyes were on for natural resources. Think color Revolution. Think regime change.
    Carneys assessment Is accurate.But the unregulated unreported FED is the biggest Ponzi scheme of all. These currencies typically have price changes that that seem relatively small. But when betting hundreds of millions or billions a tiny move can mean a fortune if you are on the right side of the trade and there is loser on the other side. Now add in derivatives and you increase the magnitude of risk/ reward.
    BRICS has disrupted the game. The volatility has caused the price swings in a day severe and could take out a bank overnight. But without strict reporting requirements and regulation they just keep on piling on the bets.
    The whole corrupt System (temple) will be crashing down on their heads as the petrodollar collapses.
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