Saw part 3 today.

Posted by JimmyTheMooch 10 years, 6 months ago to Movies
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I saw the 11:35 matinee today. The theater could hold about 100 people more or less, but there were only me and one other customer. Now I have seen all 3 parts. I read the book and my opinion was that a great idea for a novel had been ruined by an author who was not up to the task. My opinion of parts 1 and 2 of the movie is that although they were not very good compared to other films I've seen, they were better than the book. However, unfortunately, I found part 3 worse than parts 1 and 2 and worse than the book. Rand's dialog is wooden and her characterizations one dimensional. It seems like part 3 was an attempt to capture those shortcomings on film. If you think the book was great literature, you need to ask yourself whether it is humanly possible to make a bad film from a great book. If you can imagine such a thing, then see if I'm not wrong about this one.

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  • Posted by desimarie23 10 years, 6 months ago
    'I read the book and my opinion was that a great idea for a novel had been ruined by an author who was not up to the task.' and 'Rand's dialog is wooden and her characterizations one dimensional'...I am baffled.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 6 months ago
      Think of it this way desimarie23. If you have a great idea and you write an essay about it, then there will be no dialog and no characterization. But if instead you write a novel, then there will be. If you have a good idea but poor at dialog and characterization, then you will ruin a novel in a way that you would not ruin an essay. Of course, people's opinions are different and you may think her skills as a novelist are good. However, you should not be baffled to find that there are people who disagree with you on what is after all, a matter of taste.This is not a collective, right?
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      • Posted by desimarie23 10 years, 6 months ago
        Of course, you are entitled to your own opinion, that's why I didn't argue with you. I read and re-read your post and was truly baffled. 'Not up to the task' was something I had never heard anyone say about Rand. First time for everything obviously.
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