Atlas Shrugged III

Posted by KatherineElizabethTaylor 10 years, 6 months ago to The Gulch: General
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Headed to the theater! Rocking my Kickstarter t-shirt and my Rearden Metal bling!! :)

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  • Posted by gafisher 10 years, 6 months ago
    Just wonderful! My wife and I joined a dedicated crowd of like-minded people at one of the Grand Rapids, MI matinee showings. While there were things I'd love to have been able to throw a few extra million at, the film was FAR above what would be expected given the constraints under which it came to the screen- I had the sense that Atlas Shrugged III was the work of people who permitted themselves nothing but their best work in true John Galt fashion.

    I'm left being able to highly recommend the film - which I'm doing in every way I can - yet with the ability to honestly tell people that seeing the film will enhance, not diminish, their enjoyment of the book.
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  • Posted by IndianaGary 10 years, 5 months ago
    Saw it for the third time today. There are 5 theaters here in Las Vegas showing the film (not counting the Palms where I watched the premier on 9/6); I've seen it at two of them and will go to the other 3 over the next week or two. I'm doing my part to support the movie and the theaters who have shown the intelligence and fortitude to show it. All of the people I've spoken to coming out of the theater have liked the film although today (Sunday) @ the 2:35 PM showing there were only about a dozen people.

    I see a little more each time I watch it. For example, there is the scene in Galt's house where Dagny decides to go back. During that scene Francisco and Midas describe some of the events they expect to take place, including the nationalization of of the railroads and the collapse of the Taggart bridge. A bit later when Eddie completes the description of the "Railroad Unification Act" she says, incredulously, "You've nationalized the railroads!" to which Cuffy Meigs says, "It's no skin of your back!" It's like a puzzle for Dagny where each piece clicks into place over time until, finally, when the Taggart bridge collapses she finally sees that there is nothing further that she can do and that it is time to shrug.
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  • Posted by kalkalmanek 10 years, 6 months ago
    I saw the AS 3 yesterday at 11:30 AM. I was hoping that it would have shown the machine that blow up things from a distance and how the Taggert Bridge was blown up but that was the only disappointment. It is a very short movie but it shows somewhat what the liberal & bureaocrates have done to the once great country. We can take it back now since most democrates have finally seen what damage they.have done to this country by giving a man a fish instead of teaching a man to fish. "Run Ben run", Ben Carson that is for 2016.
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  • Posted by cruiseladytexas 10 years, 6 months ago
    Loved it, even though it was very short. Did not love old Antonio d'Anconia who looked old enough to be Dagney's dad or granddad, not prior lover and childhood friend. He was supposed to be a playboy not a grumpy old man.

    BTW I've been wearing my kickstarter T-shirt (Who is John Galt, in theaters 09.12.14) around town this weekend and I've gotten a few questions
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  • Posted by rjkford 10 years, 5 months ago
    My wife, youngest brother and I were at the 7:40 pm showing in Sterling Hts Mi Friday night with about 30 other like minded folks. The movie was all that could be wished for considering all the obstacles that the producers faced. The message was clear to anyone with a open mind. We were able to meet some great people before and after the show and everyone was nice about helping each other take pictures and such. As a kickstarter and one of the lucky 25 " I am John Galt" people in the movie, I am humbled to be a small part in getting this message out to the public. Let's all get behind a effort to get a made for tv mini-series that would have the same people through out the movie. If you've read the book, it's not as important because your mind can blend things together, but if we're trying to get new people involved it needs to be more "user friendly". Still, loved every minute! If you have not gone yet, GO NOW!
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 10 years, 6 months ago
    I was a little disappointed in the film. The theater in Prescott Valley Az. had only about dozen people,but it was only Friday afternoon. I was hoping that some of the previous actors would have been in this film. there is a discontinuity when you change the whole cast. I hope the producers edit in the pieces from the cutting room floor for the Amazon Store release.
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  • Posted by 12-StringFrank 10 years, 5 months ago
    I saw it last week and I will say that even though some of it was good, this film looked like something from the Hallmark Channel. The villains were like out of a dumb comic book. There's a ridiculous torture scene. Good music, however. Some nice spec sci-fi FX. But it's a 1 1/2 star film. Too bad. The fu*king dumbest scene is when Dagny gives orders to the train workmen to find a way of getting the trains running, then immediately dashes off to a private location to have sex with John Galt. Friggin' STUPID !! I don't care if it's "in the book". That's make Rand look like an inept writer. I wanted to throw a tomato at the movie screen. Another thing --- that "bad guys" are so lame. They just drink wine and smoke cigars and they're portrayed as some sort of evil cadre. And one more --- don't expect to see any $ sign at the end of the film.
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  • Posted by shiikis 10 years, 6 months ago
    Just saw the movie. Must say...very disappointed in quality, continuity and the preachy vein of the script. I expected better. Only the message can be lauded of this poor attempt.
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    • Posted by gerstj 10 years, 5 months ago
      Unfortunately, I agree. However, it is what we have to work with so emphasizing the message over the drama is probably the best strategy at this point.
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