Protecting your DNA
Excerpt …… There is a war for your DNA.
Speaking of food, it’s becoming clear on the other side of the BACTERIOLOGICAL ATTACK called the COVID-19 Pandemic that America’s diet is atrocious.
We all know fast & junk food contributed to the comorbidities that took way too many of us before our time during COVID, but what if I told you DIET has also been another way our Enemies have been GENERATIONALLY assailing you and your children’s DNA?
My brother Brian Cates recently did a jaw dropping deep dive on why Vegetable/Seed Oils are absolute POISON to your digestive system.
Our “Intellectual & Corporate” betters have been telling us for ages that eggs will clog up our hearts with cholesterol, along with butter and eating red meat is a TERRIBLE diet one must avoid.
Instead we were TOLD a healthy diet needed margarine, whole grains and cereals.
Speaking of food, it’s becoming clear on the other side of the BACTERIOLOGICAL ATTACK called the COVID-19 Pandemic that America’s diet is atrocious.
We all know fast & junk food contributed to the comorbidities that took way too many of us before our time during COVID, but what if I told you DIET has also been another way our Enemies have been GENERATIONALLY assailing you and your children’s DNA?
My brother Brian Cates recently did a jaw dropping deep dive on why Vegetable/Seed Oils are absolute POISON to your digestive system.
Our “Intellectual & Corporate” betters have been telling us for ages that eggs will clog up our hearts with cholesterol, along with butter and eating red meat is a TERRIBLE diet one must avoid.
Instead we were TOLD a healthy diet needed margarine, whole grains and cereals.
The USDAgriculture recommended the food square be changed to the food pyramid in the 1980's. The result: 1-an explosion of obesity and 2-record profits for agriculture. Our government hard at work protecting the People. (Our government hard at work protecting itself and the rich.)
I was listening to a late AM radio show probably Coast to Coast. They were discussing DNA. A mathematician was comparing the alphabet of DNA, Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, Thymine to the English alphabet.
The point being pondered was, if DNA is like a language, what is being said? Who or what is speaking? Who or what is listening? Is life on Earth but a message from one entity to another???
Mind-blowing idea, I say.
Too bad there is only 40% of us in this world and maybe, another 40% that could be...
Lets me see that what we were dealing with 12 years ago hasn't gone away. The Parasitic Humanoids are swarming. The Fight for Conscious Human Life will continue...
I will tell you, that I did not know what I typed in the last few chapters until I read it for the first time. I am terrible at typing yet I was able to carry on conversations with others at work while typing these chapters.
It didn't come from me, it kinda came to me.
I've continued the research and have been working on a second book, a proper one this time...laughing, Never thought I'd write anything, my interests laid elsewhere, but now (at 71) I think that is what I should have been doing all along.
Conscience - The Haves and the Have Nots
We, (mankind [human kind- in Hebrew] in spite of it all, made it to consciousness and attained access to our mind but the humanoids that have assumed rule over us, have hindered our journey into reflecting the image we were created to be.
We never had a chance, blocked, distracted, hindered for the past 6 12K year cycles or more.
Enoch of the old testament said that our present cycle would be the worst but the next, (and we are very close to the end of this cycle) we will achieve Conscious Thought, Behavior and world views to the fullest extent.
It's been a painful journey but finally, we will arrive at the source of light at the end of the tunnel.
Thank you for taking the time to read share it with others.
Then in the cafeteria some girl pulled the grapes off my tray for some farm worker protest.
Then another rotten girl marked up my philosophy essay with red ink-she didn't read it she just circled the pronouns and told to use gender inclusive ones. Insulted, no comments on the ideas. Dumbfounded.
This was 1990.
And that shit was going on at least since the 50s or 60s. They have had 75 year head start in the schools and Universities and we just woke up to it full extent when the parents saw this shit online with with their children during the plandemic e-school nonsense.
Holy shit Trojan Horse Batman.
I must have some Irish anger built up.
The 50s were pretty insulated, maybe in the big cities. They probably took the time to weave their web of lies and perversions. They were busy hiding something very important from us that a Scientific group I have been following found it and have brought it to light along with a revived scientific community.
Kinda wonder if all this hubbub is a distraction for what Nature has in store for us.
Not much time to prepare properly. Hoping Trump and others know about this.
You can just imagine what the End Days of Noah were like. (PS, that was the 1/2 cycle).
I saw the recent production of Noah with Russell Crowe it was pretty good. Of course Pedowood made a big deal out of Noah and his daughter.
This bank thing going on feels like the heat on the frog boiling pot just got suddenly turned up a few degrees. Kinda scary. Especially when BuyDem says Don't worry everyone is safe.
SVB was the liberal elites bank it also was Epstiens bank. It also was the Chinese venture capital bank. Those fancy rich tech censor moguls probably shit themselves last Thursday and Friday. I have several detailed recent comments about it. But suffice to say Peter Thiel (an ardent Trump supporter)started the bank run , telling his venture co.s that he has withdrawn all his funds and he suggested they do the same.
The Signature Bank canceled Trumps account with them because of J6 false flag. Ivanka was on the board til 2013 . Funny but the fake news and the con-gress are saying Trump rolled back the Dodd-Frank law to cause this issue. They fail to note that Barney Frank the co-author of said bill ia on Signature Board of Directors. You can’t make this shit up. They stepped into Trumps quicksand and that does not go well for those that do. Go woke go broke, or everything woke turns to shit.
Eyes open no fear. They love it when they invoke fear.
What happened in April 1993 ? I’ll guess Ruby Ridge . I think Waco and OK city were after that.
After searching Ruby was 92 Waco was Apr 93
OK city was 95.
By 1990, I had already read Rand, and The Creature From Jekyll Island,
and my grandfather had told me the buried truths about Pearl Harbor.
I had attended a town meeting where the newly elected congressman
(who promised to investigate the fed) had his aides shout down questions
about the fed. I had heard about Ruby Ridge and I thought there were
too many questionable actions by the fedgov before, but Waco was the
action that completely opened my eyes. After that I realized they would
do anything (including burning innocent people alive) and that the "news"
had been propaganda for decades.
There has been very little truth in the "news" in the past 50 years.
This is NOT a fake statistic. T2D (Type II Diabetes) is the number one cause of:
- Heart Disease
- Blindness and
- Amputations
in this country. It is STRONGLY linked to Alzheimer's which is the Top Dementia Problem.
We already know that > 60% оf healthcare costs are from T2 DIABETES directly. (Published 60%)
The above is the INDIRECT costs. And that's what drives this to 80%
And the treatments... Make the disease worse. Normal care will gradually increase your insulin, while TELLING YOU to eat mostly carbohydrates. And, in fact, they SCARE YOU away from eating low-carb.
Now, there are some, like my good friend who clocked in at near 400 lbs. He was NOT diabetic. He was genetically pre-disposed to making FLUFFY Fat. His glucose control was AMAZINGLY good. But the diet made him morbidly obese, with all of the corresponding problems. And BECAUSE they encouraged a LOW-FAT diet, he destroyed his gallbladder, and had to have that removed. Then he was further scared away from eating meat/fats.
FINALLY, the mode of attack. They PAY FOR the medical books. They pay for "questionable" studies that show the results they want (Kellogg single-handedly funded MOST of the studies saying EGGS were bad. They ultimately had to used POWDERED eggs that were OXIDIZED... Remember he made his cereal to shut down your sex drive!)
Imagine CRISCO basically funded the AHA... How much should you trust them.
Honestly. These Scooters for obese people are crazy. Many are simply addicted to junk food, because the companies have made the foods ADDICTIVE because it's the best way to sell foods. That's why EVERYWHERE you go, including a hardware store, has food at the register. You are being TRIGGERED. [As a recovering food addict, trust me, this shit is effective. Pay attention to how easy it is to get EITHER a Sugary or Caffeinated "Hit"]
Worse... There is evidence that the most productive people in society are mostly likely to become addicts. The same "loop" that rewards someone internally for studying/learning/achieving... Is the same one that leads to addiction...
When you factor this in, our best and brightest are being hijacked by the food and the phones, to ensure that the rest of the people are enslaved.
Without pesticides you would be eating far more than the estimated two pounds that you eat now.
Cavemen lived short and diseased lives as did those before agriculture and understanding of most diseases increased human life spans.
Beware of eating modern food at al, it might extend your life.
It should have been "Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the modern food."
Plants produce many pesticides for protection from insects and other bugs. One can get milligrams of them compared to micro or nano-grams of man made insecticides. Some might say that humans evolved with them in there diets, but modern humans eat foods that are different through human caused evolution so not around for that long to be able to detoxify such toxins.
I do not call them Satanic Luciferian Genocidal Globalist Pee Doh Cabalists for nothing.
How do we stop the bidum from doing what he has promised, which is to order mandatory vaccination for every chicken in the country as soon as the vaccine is available (just as untested as the last human vaxx)? How do we stop this insanity?
This was a paragraph in what you linked.
“As a medical professional, it is extremely troubling to see history repeating itself with the rise of healthism and anti-science, and how medical ethics has been redefined to no longer protect individuals and preserve the doctor-patient relationship, but to increase the power and control of government over lives.“
If she is talking about people who are against the Jab and the PlanDemics Bull crap that “Doctor” Fauci and the FDA as being anti-science, then count me in as anti science.
If you are going to link info that pertains to your comment , don’t send me an entire blog site.
I am not a mind reader. I do Question everything about the PlanDEMic. How about respond to my Question about her anti science comment.
She is troubled by the antiscience of today where, as with vaccines, medicines, doctors, the many general scientific studies today that are just to be published with quick retractions due to errors and just made up data, the general acceptance of pronouncements by government, bloggers, MSM, religious leaders, etc. by the public. She recommends questioning and reasoning about what others say and believe. She is far more questioning of beliefs than many on this site who cannot even understand Rand's Objectivist philosophy. Contradictions can only occur in minds not careful about truth of premises in reasoning. Theism is not the way to knowledge and understanding. Be vigilant and keep questioning.