The Jabs

Posted by $ Abaco 1 year, 11 months ago to Science
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As I see all the carnage on my feeds about people dying from these jabs I can't help but remember when I addressed a panel from the NIH about vaccines over 15 years ago. I was way ahead of the curve on that one. There were many right on my heels, about to make the same discovery I did. I was just a dumb engineer who happened to work in the healthcare industry and witness vaccine injury, as it occurred, with my own eyes - and I had the tools at my disposal to properly evaluate it. Now, sadly, the carnage around this industry is undeniable. Now, I just hope the damage ends soon and this isn't long-term...

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  • Posted by $ BobCat 1 year, 11 months ago
    A lot of us were and have been saying the same thing about vaccines in the past and more recently about the clot shot vax.. Unfortunately, most people allowed their “fears” to override good ole common sense. In regards to your last sentence, the damage will never end and it, unfortunately is long term... thanks to “fears”.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 11 months ago
      +1 From the moment this PlanDEMic started I repeatedly warned everyone here about Dr Fauci and my experience with him in 1993. He was playing games with the lives of human beings then and a decade before that as well. My 9 year old daughter was one of his victims. Regarding the mRNA failure shot , I said Moderna had failed every efficacy test with that substance for 10 yrs as none of the animals ever survived. The value of information and the ignorance without it can be deadly.
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      • Posted by $ 1 year, 11 months ago
        I looked at the history of mRNA and it's pure carnage. How they got away with mass distribution is one of the most incredible things I've ever seen. It never was "approved", probably as a result. Just "recommended" at the federal level. Then, the blue states started forcing it. Even "The Big Guy" started forcing it for civil servants and federal contractors. Absolutely incredible. I'm very sorry to hear of your daughter on this...
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 year, 11 months ago
      I worked at a major University that, like just about every institution in the country, was Woke. My job involved a lot of deep research. We had very sophisticated research tools the public doesn't get access too (unless you want to pay the thousands of $ per month in access fees) Lexus/Nexus was one I remember as being one of the better ones.
      Anywho, the point is: no filters, of any kind. I typed in what I was looking for and if it was on-line anywhere in the world, I got a copy.
      When the ScamDemic went down and the woke stayed home. I stayed at my desk and had the entire mainframe to myself (only the dial-ups slowed things down at times). The place was a ghost town. A million square + feet that normally held 5,000 people and maybe 50 would show up. The service staff. But I digress.
      I found white papers that showed Fuachi, Peter Dazak et el. were deeply involved in Gain of Function (GoF) for bio-weaponization for decades. The Cliff Notes version is here: https://organicconsumers.org/gain-of-...
      I saw the white Papers requesting and receiving funding from the NIH with their actual signatures on them. University of south Carolina, Chapel Hill/ Fort Detrick Army base in MD and 500 other institutions, both public and private. Dating back to 2004. Then came the Executive Order from the Kenyan in 2015 to halt all NIH funding of GoF. Don't stop making murder bugs, just don't let the money be tied to him or his administration.
      Understand this; you will never get smart people to work in dangerous environments without adequate protection. That means if you want me to work with lethal substances, you had better have an anti-dote.
      Warp speed, my arse. They've been working on the GoF of Corona bat viruses for the better part of 20 years. Are you trying to tell me in all that time, the powers that be didn't have a vaccine for their chief researchers? B.S.
      Fear P0rn, right down the line. If you can't kill all the useless eaters, they can at least try to coral them into a pen.
      Just before the Plan-Demic they were trotting UAP threat? (the new acronym for UFO) The Tic-Tac videos? Lou Elizondo the so-called alleged disgruntled CIA whistleblower? Except no one took the bait. Now that we have had the wool pulled from our eyes about the Scam-Demic, they need a new emergency (Ukraine is simply the Herculean effort to keep their money laundering, sex-slave, drug & arms trafficking, bio-weapons labs, operation going) So they trot our a banking "emergency" Quick start a bank run! Hmmm, No! I don't think so.
      The swamp is getting desperate, whether you love or hate Trump he is dominating the polls. No amount of cheating is going to stop him this time. The Left is in full melt-down panic mode.
      Expect they will throw out everything they got. I fully expect they will fire the first nuclear bullet. If they can't get their way, screw you all.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 11 months ago
    Unfortunately, estimates are that 60% of the country was deceived into getting at least one of the jabs and anyone who got one is at higher risk; those who received multiple jabs are at exponentially higher risk. One of the most damning problems revolves around the fact that 99% of our doctors and nurses were required to get these shots - and the boosters. We can expect in the next couple of years to see unnatural attrition within the healthcare system. Of course that creates another crisis wherein the "only possible solution" will be government-run healthcare.

    There are so many crises created from the introduction of these poisons it's scary. You watch, however: none of the elites will fall prey to the side-effects of these poisons because they took placebos. They will need a different kind of impetus to step aside.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 1 year, 11 months ago
    One of the biggest flaws was to ignore the Swiss experts - who said in 2020 that this would be a severe flu season - nothing more. I found the Swiss papers on Covid contradict pretty much everything Brandon espoused. FJB
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  • Posted by GaryL 1 year, 11 months ago
    I never understood it because the truth was right before our eyes. Absent of other comorbidities there was and still is a 98+ % chance of surviving the virus. Why so many healthy individuals jumped for the clot shot is a complete mystery fueled by lies and fear. Sheep to the slaughter IMO.
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  • Posted by richrobinson 1 year, 11 months ago
    I've talked to a few people that have dealt with vaccine injuries to people they knew. The propaganda has been very effective. Doubt most people will ever understand what's happening
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  • Posted by Aeronca 1 year, 11 months ago
    I am going to join a subset of the Control Group. I've had 4 Pfizers and I still got Covid after the 3rd shot. Then I got the 4th bivalent "updated" one. I haven't noticed any problems except that I have a cold that won't go away, it's taking 3 weeks to taper off. I don't want a 5th vaccine of the mRNA sort. I trust the flu vaccine, not the mRNA type, maybe in 15 years if they ever give it proper testing which is improbable.

    The coronavirus common cold or covid-19 mutates too fast for us to effectively respond, while following adequate testing. So we are guessing guinea pigs.

    I don't have any heart trouble. I don't have long covid. But the exhaustion and this damned forever cold.


    and fuck Trump too because he signed the lockdown orders and the state of emergency. Otherwise, he did pretty good. Imagine if he refused the lockdown, refused the fakemergency and refused to let the Pharma industry cheat. Refused trillions from being printed. Where would we be?

    FJB because he continued the same and much worse.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 11 months ago
      “ I've had 4 Pfizers and I still got Covid after the 3rd shot. ” WTF
      I really like you ,but really. That was your choice.
      For clarification President Trump always said it was your choice if you want the vax and yes he recommended it. He is not a scientist nor is he trained or experienced in the Medical field. He did tell us the Cure (Hydroxychloraquine) and he was ridiculed to no end. Not just that, but they told bald faced lies about him suggesting drinking bleach.

      And this “ fuck Trump too because he signed the lockdown orders and the state of emergency.”
      That is simply not true. He left that up to the Governors who mandated lockdown orders.
      Check out Clif High on substack for things you can do to mitigate the jabs nasty effects. Peace to Q
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      • Posted by Aeronca 1 year, 11 months ago
        I got that wrong. I forgot about Governors. Desantis didn't follow along. Maybe Trump can have another good impact this time around. How much of BuyDem's damage could he reverse if elected?
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        • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 11 months ago
          DeSanctimonious did follow along initially with the lockdowns but fairly Quickly opened things back up. Florida faired better than most of the other high population states.
          I have faith based on Trump &Devolution and my critical thinking that with Trump and our country
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          • Posted by Aeronca 1 year, 11 months ago
            If he can seal up the border and restore energy independence I'd call that a great Christmas list.
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            • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 11 months ago
              The flow of illegals while he was building the wall was a trickle . We have the oil ..so like before remove regulations and let the drillers drill.
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              • Posted by Aeronca 1 year, 11 months ago
                I hope someone does it. If Trump or Sanctimonious does it, fine. That's one of Trump's funnier Trumpisms. Much better than Joe's "Don't Jump." That sounds like an oligarch that forgets not to tell his lemmings they are lemmings.
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          • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 11 months ago
            DeSantis is My Governor. I don't want him to run until we lock up the next 2 Gubernatorial Elections (by him promoting someone to replace him, and having them out front).

            But even I wore masks and gloves in the VERY beginning. Integrity is the ability to change your mind, when the facts change. DeSantis HAS THIS, and he had the COURAGE to hire THOUGHT LEADERS to advise him.

            This is the one area, Trump could learn from him. For Trump to still not acknowledge that you are like 80 - 800 times more likely to be INJURED by the vaccine, than to be SAVED by it... Is a failing. But methinks he is slowly coming around.
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      • Posted by $ 1 year, 11 months ago
        Trump needs to come out clearly apologetic for not warning about the shot. I don't think he can get close to winning reelection without that. I could be wrong, though.
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        • Posted by $ 1 year, 11 months ago
          ...and for letting Fauci continue to squat on us. He should have canned him. This is the guy, ironically, known for the line "YOU'RE FIRED!" LOL...I love that...
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        • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 11 months ago
          We are in the midst of the most complex, deadly war our world has ever seen. The stakes couldn’t be higher. This is literally a fight for our civilization.

          President Trump has to make unimaginably hard decisions in order to foil the enemy’s plans and eventually win the war.

          If there is ONE question that our community wants answered, it’s WHY OH WHY has President Trump endorsed—and seems to CONTINUE to endorse—the deadly jab?

          The most often-heard explanation in our community seems to revolve around the development of Operation Warp Speed and its acceleration of the vaccine manufacturing process, which derailed the Deep State’s plan to kill half a billion people over the next decade through the vaxxes and severe lockdowns, driving their depopulation agenda forward.

          Operation Warp Speed was launched in May 2020.

          As Q says, “The military is the only way.”

          But lets look at that through the lens of why Trump continues to push the vaccine. https://badlands.substack.com/p/why-t...
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    • Posted by $ BobCat 1 year, 11 months ago
      Sorry to hear about all your physical troubles and angst from the clot shots. I wish you well. Try meditation to reduce your fears and anger - it will also help to improve your immune system.
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      • Posted by Aeronca 1 year, 11 months ago
        I'm not that worried just frustrated. I meditate each morning.
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        • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 11 months ago
          I have heard people using nattokinase and IVM to help with "Spike Protein Damage". You can research it.
          Please STOP taking the vaccines. The Bivalent one protected you from 2 Viruses that NO LONGER EXIST in the real world. Why would someone take that.

          Also, vaccines confer protection for about 6 months. This is well-known. It wanes.
          But Dr. Martenson points out, that if you take too many of these, it destroys the CD4 end of your immune system. That damage is permanent. You literally train your immune system to ignore the virus, the same way "allergy treatments" do.

          I do not recommend the Flu vaccines for this reason. They have only a 25% chance of being the right one. All the pharmacists I know REFUSE to take a Flu vaccine. And were angered a couple of years back when their annual bonus was re-jiggered to correlate to how many Flu vaccines they pushed. IMAGINE that Covid came as we had the lowest compliance with Annual Flu Vaccines... (Which are back up, now, unsurprisingly, despite being less efficacious than ever). And the push is to make them mRNA (which is GENE Therapy, and not a vaccine in my opinion, and Dr. Malones')
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          • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 11 months ago
            Not scientific but I have the flu once a decade and have never had the flu. Many people I know get the flu shot annually and the get the flu about as freQuently. They say, when I ask them about that, “the flu was a different variety than the shot” . To me and I admit to my ignorance about the value of a flu shot, it’s like the airbags in the car only work in a crash with a blue car 🚙
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            • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 11 months ago
              Well, I've always know that the 50,000 Annual Flu deaths was UTTER BS. First off, I have only 1 person tell me that they were "tested" to see if they got the flu, and which flu variant they had. (And I don't completely trust this person, since they almost never go to the doctors).

              So, they amplify the deaths by counting the Old people who DIE in the hospital, who came in WITH the flu, or got the flu while they are there. So, the Flu did NOT kill them, but was "contributing" (in the same way with/of Covid all got lumped together for Fear Mongering).

              I have a friend who believes that his 20+ years of Flu vaccines confers an advantage to him.
              he is FINALLY starting to realize (his wife is a dr.), that they were both wrong. The doctors are mis-educated about how these things actually work.

              The ONE upside is that a LOT of Doctors are now questioning Regular Vaccines...
              Dr. Kory admits he called his "Vaccine Hesitant Parents" Quacks, and fired them as patients.
              He said Covid made him dig in, and he deeply saddened by what he has found!
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            • Posted by $ gharkness 1 year, 11 months ago
              I dunno, for sure. But I used to take the flu shot every year, and never got the flu - though I did know it likely was only due to luck. Fauxi fixed my attitude for me. I will never take another flu or Covid shot again.

              Although I only took the one J&J shot, since then I have had 3 "colds," and Omicron once. That is after having had ZERO colds for the past 20 years.
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            • Posted by Aeronca 1 year, 11 months ago
              I get a flu shot every year and have only had the flu once I remember. But that's not proof it works of course. And I don't get the blue flu that's for libtards.
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          • Posted by Aeronca 1 year, 11 months ago
            Thenk you Keptin!

            Yes I am skeptical on mRNA. A classical weakened virus particle style I can trust. The mRNA was forced out untested-though I was a willing Guinea pig. NO MORE!
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