Fun & cool review
This sparky review pops for young people on Google page one, so I shared it with friends. It's seemingly silly but written in a charged way, especially for those not familiar with Rand. It's especially good this writer saw Parts I and II, and then mentions a comparison to 'Hunger Games.' That's a fav of many intelligent high school & college-age people I know. This writer avoids obvious criticisms authored by other reviewers so is outstandingly original. She seemed to see into some of the production decisions. Blogs below this review intriguingly discuss aspects of 'propaganda,' and the writer steps in to comment with them as bloggers explore other films. It's a good exchange. Saw Part III in OC with friends. We felt production team successfully rebranded Rand into modern times compatible with today's attitudes. Heard comments among people (about 35 attendees @ 2PM matinee). Everyone liked different features. People we chatted with had no problem understanding film's message. Many were aware of project budget and admired dedicated team that brought this story to cinema. It does open the way for more exciting storytelling. It is just the beginning.
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- 1Posted by slfisher 10 years, 6 months agoIt does bring up something that bothered me -- Galt tells her she's penniless but skips over the part in the book where she has a big bank account of money equivalent to her taxes, and she *chooses* to work to support herself rather than using that money.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|