Jordan Peterson Channels Alex Epstein!
Interview last night on Tucker Carlson, Jordan Peterson concludes as only Peterson can conclude, "A direct consequence of anti-industrial policies put in place by hypothetically well-meaning deluded pseudo-religious environmental worshipers of the apocalypse."
Great list, m. These things seem to have taken on a life of their own. Do the scum who stared and pushed them into the public unconsciousness realize just how close they're coming to having their own creations turn on them with unbridled vengeance?
My take: The sheep are still willingly headed to the slaughterhouse.
Since we are the first species of life on Earth with the intelligence to consciously alter our environment and thanks to the geniuses who have given us radio, television and the Internet, many of the eight or nine billion of us are acutely aware of the consequences of our actions. Note here how many countries are reporting birth rates below the 2.1 replacement rate needed to sustain population size.
Given that we have not had extensive contact with intelligent species from other Planets or the Milky Way galaxy, it follows that we have no way to determine whether or if the Human race will go extinct. Comparison to other animal species has no value given that we are unique on Earth. In the absence of firm knowledge, emotions and imagination rule the day. Peterson’s comments reflect the anti-reason mentality of the Left.
If we cannot universally agree to the definition of the problem, we will most certainly not agree on proposed solutions. Non-agreement on solutions are usually settled by violence.