Hi. My name is Todd, tradesman is my online ID
Posted by tradesman 11 years, 4 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
I have only recently discovered Atlas Shrugged and it has confirmed everything I believe and how I aspire to be. I am a reserve .mil officer and have just over 3 years left on my commitment which I will honor. I am a journeyman toolmaker with many other skills and will "go Galt" when my commitment is complete! I hope the inevitable can wait until then, and look forward to meeting like minds! I am posting this on my "not so smart phone" and hope I have caught all of the grammatical errors!
Hope to see you in the Gulch.
Learned a lot about the movie making business. Chat with other producers as they are filming live.
Hope to see you there or here in the Gulch.