Woke public school teachers like this "a dime a dozen"? This one, at a Silver Springs middle school, teaches woke agenda in all its violence
With radical flame-throwers like this loose among today's kids, what kind of future can we expect? Just think of this "teacher" accessing your kid's mind when you put him/her on the school bus or drop him/her off.
Sure! They've been teaching this all over America. Welcome to reality.
Black-on-white violence is getting out of control in public schools. The admin seems, based on their actions, to really like it.
Does this mean I have a green light?
Is that supposed to create the expectation of everyone making nice?
Of course, leave out the part about black tribes enslaving other black tribes to invent that lucrative slave market in the first place.
My only response to someone such as this is something that I remember from my childhood. "You loot! We shoot!" If more would take this position the Bu!! Sh$# would cease as soon as the bodies started piling up.