Providence (RI) NON-WHITE Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program Only Open To Non-Whites Challenged By Legal Insurrection Foundation
Posted by deleted 2 years ago to Politics
A civil rights complaint was filed against the Providence Public School District with the U.S. Department of Education on Monday over a program offering student loan forgiveness to new teachers that is exclusively available to non-White educators.The complaint claims that Providence Public School District is “engaged in a continuing violation and an ongoing pattern or practice of discrimination” with a student loan forgiveness program for newly and recently hired educators that is only available to non-White applicants, billed as the “Educator of Color Loan Forgiveness Program.”The Providence Public School District advertises that recipients can have up to $25,000 of college loans forgiven once the teacher completes three consecutive years of teaching in the district. The eligibility requirements indicate recipients must “identify as Asian, Black, Indigenous, Latino, biracial, or multi-racial.”“Discrimination against non-White applicants is just as unlawful as discrimination against Black or other non-White applicants. There is no good form of racial discrimination,” the complaint states….“PPSD does not even attempt to hide its racially discriminatory practices. To the contrary, PPSD brags about treating white applicants less favorably than non-white applicants. The unlawful discriminatory provisions of the program are advertised on multiple platforms, including on the PPSD’s website and hiring portal. The program is a key part of PPSD’s hiring efforts, and already has processed dozens of applicants on this discriminatory basis,” the complaint states. “The program violates Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and a variety of state law anti-discrimination statutes. ”
and this morning, Fox was showing a movie "The Hate you give", about a black girl shot by Police
i would love to fund a move "The Hate we see"
about black on white, black on black, and black on police crime
more blacks are killed by other blacks than any other cause
more police are killed than blacks by polce
all i see are movies are more and more movies about slavery, that ended over 100 years ago, no one alive was responsible for slavery, excepting maybe the democrat party's desire to make us all salves to government
the pressure cooker is getting close to exploding, caused by race hustlers, like sharpton, jackson, obama