just saw AS3

Posted by judyanne 10 years, 6 months ago to Video
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Just saw this movie and I was horrified as it is the worst movie I've ever seen in 64 years.....I am a huge fan of Ayn Rand and she would be turning over in her grave, no wonder she hesitated to sell the movie rights.... the first two movies at least had some decent casting and directing and made an effort to keep to the book but whoever put this together and the $100.00 they spent on it's production should be so ashamed....I'll bet you didn't let Ron Paul see the finished product after his small part in this crap..... What a waste of a vehicle that could have been used to support the masses in waking up to the realities of our broken culture....Who did you sell out to?????????????

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  • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 6 months ago
    Who did thy sell out to? The producers of the gulch, of course. I felt they were thinking of me every moment of every scene. I was genuine surprised how much they thought of their ‘audience’.
    I had my doubts about casting prior to seeing the movie, but they had been right when they said ‎Kristoffer Polaha was John Galt. No doubt about. He was great.
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  • Posted by Bfurri 10 years, 6 months ago
    Wait just one minute, you claim to be a huge fan of rand right, and your outraged at the poor job right but unless the movie was directed by our commie in chief himself, and the message completely hijacked 180 degrees, then isn't even a poorly produced version of Rand ( which is what you say it is, but what I'm holding out hope that it is not) a far better thing for so many low information folks in these troubled and ignorant times? Seems to me you might be anti rand, anti individual perhaps. After watching this movie, I may or may not agree with your opinion, but if I am not as pleased as I was after the last 2, I will chose to keep that opinion to myself
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  • Posted by 10 years, 6 months ago
    sorry richrobinson, i can't believe that i almost lost my sense of humor because of that awful, awful film..... i have few expectations but this was one film where i let them in and what an epic disappointment.....
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    • Posted by richrobinson 10 years, 6 months ago
      No apology necessary. I was fortunate enough to attend the premier. I met Kristoffer Polaha and Laura Regan. I enjoyed their performance and they were both very kind and gracious to me. I hope it does well.
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  • Posted by 10 years, 6 months ago
    since you apparently didn't read my first post, here it is again.....Just saw this movie and I was horrified as it is the worst movie I've
    ever seen in 64 years.....I am a huge fan of Ayn Rand and she would be
    turning over in her grave, no wonder she hesitated to sell the movie
    rights.... the first two movies at least had some decent casting and
    directing and made an effort to keep to the book but whoever put this
    together and the $100.00 they spent on it's production should be so
    ashamed....I'll bet you didn't let Ron Paul see the finished product
    after his small part in this crap..... What a waste of a vehicle that
    could have been used to support the masses in waking up to the
    realities of our broken culture....Who did you sell out
    to????????????? HOW IS THE ABOVE VAGUE?????
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    • Posted by $ winterwind 10 years, 6 months ago
      I always like specifics in either good or bad reviews. It doesn't tell us a thing that you think the movie is "awful". In what way do you think it's awful? Specifically, not just a general "directing and casting". and it weakens the value of your argument to make obviously ridiculous statements like "the $100 they spent".
      What one specific thing did the producers and director leave out or put in that you think changed the movie to not being a good transfer from book to movie.
      I don't intend to be nasty with my questions, I really want to know what made your interpretation different from mine.
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  • -3
    Posted by Uncursed 10 years, 6 months ago
    Atlas Shrugged, the book: I Strongly advise to read and learn from. Brilliant. One of the top books of all time. Atlas Shrugged 3, the movie: I strongly advise to NOT watch! Beyond awful. I walked out. I think I stayed as long as I did because I was in such stunned disbelief that this film was actually being shown in a movie theater in 2014. Take my advice and DO NOT GO SEE AS3. You can never unwatch it. I'm scarred.
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    • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 6 months ago
      And how exactly did you find your way here? This is your one and only post (and likely will ever be). You come here to deride something having invested nothing more than the cost of a ticket and your time. You are free to your evaluation, it is worth what you paid to provide it.
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      • Posted by khalling 10 years, 6 months ago
        Thank you. Why the pleas to not see it? It 's one thing to say you don 't like it -it 's completely another thing to beg people to not see it. Showing your hand - easy mark.
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        • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 6 months ago
          Obviously someone out to subvert the message. Knowing that most are not going to invest in reading a 1000+ page book, nor even to listen to an unabridged reading that takes more than a complete day to listen to.

          Clearly they are concerned that some might be willing to invest the cost of a movie and two hours and might be swayed by the message.
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          • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 6 months ago
            I guess we can expect a few more "problem children" than normal to find their way here for a while. Those who see a $8 ticket as a major investment in their lives will be the most troublesome, I guess.

            Some of us would just love to be able to see the movie, have waited years to see it and would be willing to pay much more than the price of a ticket to see it.

            These people should just be happy they could walk in and see it.
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