Just a thought
Posted by airfredd22 10 years, 5 months ago to The Gulch: General
Several days ago, I believe on 9-12-14 under the title, “An Open Letter to The Producers and Makers of The Atlas Shrugged Movies,” the following comment was made by Old4WDGuy.
“Posted by $ Old4WDGuy
I've been through a similar experience. I wished I had read or really known anything about Ayn Rand or AS as a youth. It would have helped a lot more than most of the regurgitated education I got through HS with the exception of Auto Mechanics.”
I find his comment to be very important and would like to offer the following.
My suggestion is to agree to make the best effort we can to give a copy of “Atlas Shrugged” to any young person we meet that we believe to have the basic ability to understand the concept of Ayn Rand's philosophy as expressed in her books, but especially in “Atlas Shrugged.”
By basic ability, I mean that they express an interest in new ideas and haven't been poisoned by their teachers to a point beyond salvage.
“Posted by $ Old4WDGuy
I've been through a similar experience. I wished I had read or really known anything about Ayn Rand or AS as a youth. It would have helped a lot more than most of the regurgitated education I got through HS with the exception of Auto Mechanics.”
I find his comment to be very important and would like to offer the following.
My suggestion is to agree to make the best effort we can to give a copy of “Atlas Shrugged” to any young person we meet that we believe to have the basic ability to understand the concept of Ayn Rand's philosophy as expressed in her books, but especially in “Atlas Shrugged.”
By basic ability, I mean that they express an interest in new ideas and haven't been poisoned by their teachers to a point beyond salvage.
what fun!
We'll see but it sure is exciting.
An easy read that'll either catch them or it won't.
I usually recommend them in the same order my Mentor gave them to me:
We the Living
The Fountainhead
Atlas Shrugged
The Virtue of Selfishness
Oh, and The Night of January the 16th if they start to lag.
I'm a big SF fan, too -- lots of Heinlein :) -- but Anthem just didn't grab me.
given to someone, I wouldn't bee so pore! Oh, No!
I wouldn't be so rich!!! -- j
My kids age 4 and 6 will listen to almost anything in comic book format. I have a comic book about the life of George Washington, and they love it. They wouldn't listen to such a story without cartoonish pictures. I would certainly buy a comic book version of AS and Fountainhead to read to them.
Fred Speckmann
Mainly because I wish someone had given *me* a copy of it when I was young. Would have scoured the "dark era" from my life before it hit.