The Dot and the Line

Posted by overmanwarrior 10 years, 6 months ago to Philosophy
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There comes many times over any given year where I find myself in a situation that in order to explain a basic elementary ideal to someone who requires a vast background education just to grapple with the topic at hand, I have to find some way to show them a proper metaphor to bring them up to speed. They do not have the foundation understanding to build anything of merit conversation wise–when they ask a question, or series of questions just to understand the answer given to them. Sadly, modern culture has failed to deliver those foundations to the last couple of generations. There is a part of me that feels sorry for those people, but not to the extent where I am willing to sacrifice my own happiness to quell their suffering. The reason is logic and a foundation belief system that is rooted in another time when the world made a lot more sense. It wasn’t however that long ago, but just long enough for modern society to completely revert to the animal mindset of a scribble.

I feel fortunate to have grown up in a time when one of my favorite cartoons was called The Dot and the Line: A Romance in Lower Mathematics which played continuously on the Looney Tunes half hour afternoon lineup every day after school. It was my favorite cartoon as a young kid which came out in 1965 and was directed by my favorite animator, Chuck Jones. I watched his cartoons as a child and read his book as a young man in my twenties and soaked up every word. That particular cartoon was a masterpiece and a needed lesson for every young male looking for love. Watch that classic cartoon below before continuing:

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  • Posted by gtebbe 10 years, 6 months ago
    overmanwarrior discusses communicating the need for what I understand to be self-realization to uneducated persons. I don't see how to convince anyone in that demographic the importance of critical thought and analysis let alone understanding the motivations of the "master minds" in our political system. The uneducated have been dumbed down, and not by any accident or coincidence, to follow along like sheep, quelling any thoughts of individuality.

    The so-called Leaders in our society must have someone to lead; the Tyrant must have someone to tyrannize. The best they can do is attempt to undermine the importance of education, which is certainly our greatest weapon against their assault.
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  • Posted by teri-amborn 10 years, 6 months ago
    We often reminisce of Looney Tunes and how Warner Brothers were actually educating us with Bugs Bunny, et al.
    To play operatic background music to parodies of The Barber of Seville and such was unique and creative.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 10 years, 6 months ago
    Lower math states old dino was 20 when that cartoon came out. Just watched it for the first time ever. I also just sang to myself--
    A libtard is a squiggle! Nyah! Hyah!
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  • Posted by jimslag 10 years, 6 months ago
    I am not sure, I grew up in the same timeframe and I do not remember it. I grew up in Wisconsin and watched most of those cartoons but I do not remember anything like this. It would have been welcome as I was the kid who sat in the back of the class and read the encyclopedias. However whenever the teacher asked a question, I always the first or second to raise his hand with the answer.
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  • Posted by khalling 10 years, 6 months ago
    excellent post. I'm in a hurricane currently so this may not post. were you rooted in another time or a philosophical system that was not playing on the coasts?
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  • Posted by preimert1 10 years, 6 months ago
    Thanks, Rick. I don't remember that particular comic when I used to watch cartoons with my kids, besides which I probably wouldn't have grasped the subtleties then.

    It seems like many young girls are attracted to bad boys--probably out of rebellion to vicarious parental control--or as you say a belief that they can change them. If she gets through it without getting pregnant, she finally sees the light and dumps him. Otherwise she may marry the guy and end up raising a child as a single mother when he leaves her.

    Its also true that a young guy with low self-esteem (not infrequent in teen-agers) may be driven to excel to impress a girl. Unfortunately for the girl, he then may find that he has out grown her.
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  • Posted by NealS 10 years, 6 months ago
    In '65 I was just 23, at 24 drafted and training to fight and kill strange and diverse people somewhere on the other side of the world. I never heard of the Dot and the Line before. After viewing just the video alone I can see how this can be incorporated into everything we do and think, even politics.

    Thank you for posting, I may delve into this further. I just wonder how I missed it all these years. Maybe it has something to do with not learning as much when as we get older, as our minds get more scrambled..
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